
Monday, 10 October 2011

It's A Continuum For Us

The Thanksgiving and Columbus Day weekend is fading away amid memories of summer like temperatures, last boat rides, bike trips and cottage closings ~

There is one group of people who need never fear their pleasures ending.  For gardeners they never do end. When the sunflower heads begin to droop, there are seeds to be harvested. ~

As sad as it seems to pick the last glorious rose blooms, there are rose hips to collect and mulching to be done. ~

The surety of a hard frost coming soon means it's time to dig the last of the potatoes. ~

Frost nips on the Basil leaves say I must give up on my daily, fresh supply.  Instead, I will now make it into Pistou. ~

I pack 2 cups of basil, 3 Tbsp. of peeled garlic, a dash of sea salt and 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil into a food processor and give it a good chop. ~

Then I put it in ice cube trays and cover it liberally with more EVO. ~

I freeze the cubes and move them to freezer bags to keep frozen until I want to thaw and drizzle on soup or add pine nuts and Parmesan cheese for a classic Pesto.  Note:  I call it Pistou because that's what Julia Child called it.  Unable to reach my French sister-in-law Mylene, my usual translator, I googled it.  The French word Pistou = Pesto.  Who knew?

I love to collect gardening books as my tea in bed January reading material.  Then, I'll make elaborate plans that would take a large contingent of professional nurserymen to accomplish.  The book I really will follow is my gardening bible. ~

Follow what this guy says with no deviations and you will have the most amazing veggie garden of your life!  The book is out of print but you can find it on Amazon and it is really, really worth the $20 investment.

I'd like to share a pic of some of my favourite things with you.  This shabby chic dresser came from my sister when I suddenly had only half my bedroom furniture.  (I'm not telling you - you have to guess why!)  My father gave me this hand thrown vase just before he passed away.  It was made by my grandfather for my grandmother, in the height of the depression, when they had gone from riches to rags.  It means love to me.  The old print of the horses towing barges up the river depicts the same transportation means as happened on my river in the same era.  The rose petals will be left to dry and placed in a bowl to scent the house long after the snow falls and to remind me I must decide what seed catalogues I need to order to start seedlings indoors. ~

Have a continuously pleasant day!  


  1. I love the vase! I love the picture above it! Where's the dresser!? You have such awesome taste Maureen! I strive to be like you!

  2. Awww, thanks Wendy! The vase is sitting on the dresser. Guess the pic should have been a leeetle farther back. lol That's the view from my bed.

  3. Oh, I love the story about the vase! It's a wonderful feeling every time you see those items with such personal meaning.

    Thanks also for your tip on the Rosemary oil, I am going to give it a try for sure!

  4. I love fresh pesto! Good idea with the ice cube tray.

  5. Kelly, ice cube trays are my secret weapon. I use them for lemons/limes that are going to spoil, home made tomato paste - anything I want about a tablespoon of.
