
Sunday, 9 October 2011

Don't Try To Keep Up With My Neighbours!

Fall is the one time of year I feel totally intimidated by my neighbour's decorating abilities!  It's a season when you want to convey colour and abundance and really overfill baskets, planters and window boxes.  I plug away and do my very best.

Then I look out my kitchen window and I see this! ~

My neighbour's place is modest enough but I'm sure they have some extra help at times ~

The colours always seem more vibrant from there. ~

It's like competing with this at the back of my yard ~

On Hallowe'en, they'll outdo me again ~

I just may slip over there and ask them who their designer is!  Someone sure knows what they're doing!

Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Canada!


  1. I love it! and me both Maureen! Hahahaha!

  2. I could use some decorator's like that also.
