
Sunday, 16 October 2011

A Day Of This & That And A Blush!

A rainy, cold, quiet Sunday is a great time to putter away at all the odds and ends that have been lying around.

I started with an old whisky bottle that washed up on the riverbank.  I always pull these things out, first for environmental reasons and next because I find them fascinating.  It's not whisky bottles in particular that fascinate me, it's junk in general.  I decided to leave the dried mud on this one and find a sinister label to attach to it.  You know I'm going to say I found one at The Graphics Fairy but I do have to give her credit.  After all, she has given me over 2,000 images for free!

I cut the image into sections, burned the edges with a match, washed some ecru colour craft paint on and Modpodged the label to the bottle ~

I'm thinking the glass vial (it had vanilla beans in it) would look great filled with red food colouring blood!

I moved on to a super tall vase I picked up at the Salvation Army store for $3.99.  Here I broke all the rules of floral design.  I put a bit of Spanish Moss in the base and added peacock feathers that barely clear the top.  That inverts the rule of the vase being 1/3 of the height and floral being the other 2/3.  I'm always drawn to unusual floral designs and this works for me.  It's balanced a bit with some wispy, black fronds. ~

The majolica bowl was retired from holding soap in the bathroom as it's colours match the peacock feathers perfectly.  This will go on the sideboard in the family room.

A stroll along the riverbank turned up two pieces of driftwood.  As I put them together to carry them to the house, I realized they made a scary figure of a man.  I get my craft on and start tying them together with twine.    Out comes the craft paint again and I paint on eyes, moaning mouth and a big, white BOO.  How's that for thrift?  Cost = $0 ~

Now, before I show you the next pic I have to tell you I did not see it!  I'm always telling clients to take pics of their rooms and they'll see things they simply don't notice otherwise.  Honestly, I did not see this until I downloaded the picture!  He's anatomically correct!  I promise to put some straw in front of his privates!

I'm still laughing my butt off!!!

The poison bottle is on the Brag Monday on The Graphics Fairy and the challenge on Funky Junk Interiors!


  1. OMG!! That is just too awesomely funny! I don't know if I would have seen it had you not "pointed" it out LOL!!Followed over from Debbie's newbie party.

  2. Greetings Maureen from Norther Ontario. Thanks for the chuckle. I found you and am following you through Debbie's Newbie Party. I hope to visit more often. Please drop by my blog and visit with me. Hugs, Chris

  3. Glad you found your way over from Debbie's Newbie Party! I'm having a great time checking out your sites! Welcome, Kathe and Chris!

  4. LOL! I think your comment about LOLing makes the driftwood even MORE LOL! What a great use for it!


  5. Thanks, Donna, for dreaming up such a fun challenge and for letting me have a little trip to BC while I read your site!
    ps - I meandered over from Debbie Doos.

  6. This oh so cute! Thanks for visiting my Blog, and your very sweet comment! I'm now your newest follower!

  7. Ha, this is so cute. thanks for your sweet comment. I am happy I made you comfortable with the linky thingy..anytime you have a question, feel free to email me:)

  8. You are so that wand invisible?? I do not see anything about a wand here....or is that what you are calling that ghosts privates this year????!!!! I do think those peacock feathers look like eyes!

    1. I fixed the link to bring you to the tutorial for the wand. Thanks for the 'heads up' on my mistake, Danni.
