
Sunday, 2 October 2011

Child's Play

This one is so simple a child can do it!  In fact, a child did do it!

It started with wanting to redo a couple of fake, orange pumpkins. ~

These ones looked soooo fakey!

I was inspired to do something fabulous with them after I saw some covered in fabric, twine, raffia and so on. But then, dock removal day managed to sneak up on me and I had a house full of helpers to be fed and entertained.  I'm very, very happy to do that since I can't get the dock out of the river by myself!

My twelve year old niece was getting a little bored waiting for the guys to finish hefting dock sections up thirty feet of river bank.  She's a crafty kind of girl and always ready to help me with my projects so I sat her down with a paint brush and a bottle of DecorArt Crafter's Acrylic paint and had her paint over all the orange on the pumpkins.  This is wayyy easier than what I had planned!

The result is lovely ~

Paired with my new sterling candlesticks and a sterling trophy dish from the 1951 So. California Men's Double Championships (that I bought super cheap at auction) these pumpkins are stunning!

I've been trying to take better pics for the blog and was concentrating on getting a tight shot.

Then this happened! ~

Yup, that smoke is from the leaf catching fire!  Now I have to apologize to my niece for burning her craft.  Sorry Camryn!!!  Let's just pretend it's frost damage to the leaf.

With all the time I've saved, I can get at redoing a dresser in chalk paint.  I'm anxious to get it done and let you know where I discovered how to make my own chalk paint!

So, haul out your fall decorations and put those kids to work!

PS~ This one is at the Common Ground link up.  Her site is loaded with ideas ripe for the stealing!  Shhh.


  1. I am normally not crazy about white pumpkins (they remind me of the vegetables from the Bunnicula YA books, hahaha!), but paired next to those white candles and FABULOUS silver candlesticks, these look simply lovely. "Frost" and all :)

  2. Can you believe I had to google Bunnicula to find our what they were? I think of those books whenever I see white pumpkins now. Ha ha
