
Thursday, 27 October 2011

Cheerful Friends ~

A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading lightness all around. ~ John Lubcock (English Astronomer)

Lucky me to have spent yesterday with friends!  My sister Lynn (bestie for ever!) and my dear friend Liz joined me for lunch before we made up a little work party to finish projects in the workshop.

Lynn worked on some drapes for a decorating client of ours.  This fabric is going in a dining room with black walls and creamy white built in china cabinets.  I'm so in love with this apple blossom fabric! ~

I sanded an end table I had painted with home made chalk paint.  I was sure I had before pics of this piece.  Oops!

This end table was a reproduction piece that was shiny, brown and completely covered in scratches and gouges.  At $5.99, in the Salvation Army Store, the price was right and it had nice lines.

I downloaded a French advertising label from The Graphics Fairy.  She's listed on my sidebar.  I rotated the label to invert it in the Lexmark printing wizard and printed it in landscape to fit an 8 X 10 piece of paper.  Liz had finished putting a coat of paint on the tray table I bought at auction and volunteered to transfer the label to the table. ~

We were all busy yakking away about the usual girl stuff and we gave her the wrong directions.  She should have covered the ink side with Mod Podge and stuck it on the table.  Then, you smooth out any bubbles and let it dry overnight.  This is the same process as in my DIY on Mod Podge transfers to clay pots.  When she asked if she was to coat the outside with Mod Podge we said yes.  Wrong!  When we came back this morning to complete the process, we realized the mistake.  As usual, we soaked the paper and started to roll it back with a thumb.  After the first 1/2 inch or so, the sheet just lifted up and came off in one piece.  There was a bit of paper left that had to be re soaked and rolled off.  This was way faster and the result was great!

The entire table was polished with paste wax to protect the chalk paint.

Here she is done ~

The graphic is set to the front to leave ample room for a lamp or accessories.  The original hardware was reattached.  I think she looks very French ooh-la-la!

We had such fun and I'm always so grateful for the company of kindred spirits.

I'm also grateful for new friends in the world of blogging.  To my utter surprise and delight Kathe of Kathe With An E nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award!

Tomorrow I'll have to tell you seven things about myself and do my own nominations to comply with the rules.  I'm getting on it the first spare minute Kathe.  Promise!

I was speechless to find out the humble pail from my All That Glitters post was featured on the Inspiration Friday Highlights at At The Picket Fence!

I'm am so very honoured and thankful for the attention and help of such wonderful and established bloggers.  Please drop by their sites and I guarantee you will find tons of inspiration!

To all my friends, old and new, thank you for spreading lightness all around my life!

I've linked this to Simple Home Life

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