
Sunday 27 May 2012

A Wonderful Surprise In The Mail!

I'm just off a three day marathon in my rental renovation.  My sister and I went through 7 gallons of stain painting the garage and shed!  I think a whole gallon of it wound up on me!  My sister and brother, their spouses and I worked at break neck speed on the grounds and outbuildings, while the dry weather held, and took today off to recuperate.

I picked up my mail, that had been sitting in the box since Friday, and was so excited to see a parcel from my bloggy friend, Fiona!  She lives in West Sussex, U.K. and writes a wonderful blog that I stalk follow, called Just Paint It White.  The title is a little misleading because Fiona does faux finishes and murals for a living.  She has the most amazing eye for turning ocean flotsam and found articles into decorative home decor accents.  I should have a whole Pinterest board titled, Things Fiona Made That I Want To Copy!  Just click on the title of her blog for an inspiration tour.

I love the customs declaration of contents.  I can just imagine agents wondering why someone would send a bag of twine all the way from England to Canada! ~ 

Inside the bag with the charming, vintage images are two items wrapped in tissue and raffia and a card. ~

Fiona has told me there will be two identical presents.  I'm to keep one for myself and pass the other along to anyone I feel deserves a gift.  The Pass It On Project was started by Karah at The Space Between to spread a little happiness around.

So what's inside the tissue paper? ~

It's a handmade, burlap bag trimmed and accented with blue and white fabric.  She chose the fabric to go with my blue willow dishes!

Here's where the ball of twine comes into it. ~

This is a holder for kitchen twine.  Can you believe I meant to buy twine and forgot it twice this week?  Now, it is always close at hand and charmingly displayed!

Hmmm - what to do with the one I'm to give away.  Wendy from HerBallistic Garden has invited me to dinner tonight and her sister-in-law will be there, too.  Her sister-in-law is a kind and generous person and I think perfect to receive this gift.

She was absolutely delighted with it and I got all the hugs for Fiona's thoughtfulness!

The Pass It On Project made two people very happy today!  I'll be passing it on in blogland and who knows who it will reach next!

Thanks, Fiona for making our day!


  1. She loved it Maureen! It was so sweet of you to think of her and I think she needed the compliment at this very time! You are such a kind person! xo wendy

    1. I'm so glad she liked it! She certainly deserves some recognition for all she does for others.

  2. Whoa I bet all that stain gave you a headache! Live that bag, so cute

    1. The twine holder is really pretty and works really well, too! I have one more gallon of stain to go on the deck and then, I never want to see the stuff again!

  3. What a sweet and ideal gift, Maureen. Aren't bloggers just the best ever? I am glad that you got your staining done while the weather held. We are fixing up a rental, too. The renter we had apparently had a BLADDER problem and all the carpet had to be pulled out and the floors underneath disinfected and sealed. What a job. We had to bring in a professional service to get the smell out of the place...and replace some of the NEW hardwood flooring. It's a good thing I don't cry easy. Next up is getting the gardens/lawn whipped back into shape. xo Diana

    1. It's amazing what some people will do in a rented home! Fiona's gift was certainly a bright spot in a tiring week!

  4. Wow, what a great surprise and how thoughtful of you to pick Wendy's sil to share it with.

  5. I'm not sure how I missed this post, this morning !
    I'm also not sure I like seeing that large picture of me, lol !
    It was a bit of a shock, seeing it on my blogroll (another reason why I can't believe I missed it).
    Anyway, so glad you like them and that you were able to pass one onto someone that needed a little pick-me-up.
    AND, you seriously needed some twine ? ! ?

  6. I meant to say, maybe it was the right time for you to receive a little present too - seeing as how you've been working so hard !
    And I want to thank you for your kind words about my work and for pinning my stuff !

  7. You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

    Lets keep writing and share your information to us.

    Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

  8. Love the bag, the love and the kind gestures. Why cant I attend one of these dinner? Where you will twine wrap your chippd enamel ware! haha, just kidding. So glad you had a lovely time. Smiles and sunshine!

  9. I love the idea of "Pass It On Gifts"!

  10. Love the bag, what a fabulous gift, bloggers are the best, the packaging is as good as the gift!


  11. a great gift -- love the "pass it on" idea.

  12. It's always so nice to get a surprise in the mail. The "pass it on" is a wonderful idea!

  13. What a lovely idea, Maureen. I just adore the cleverness & generosity of fellow bloggers.

    Thank you for visiting my blog & leaving a nice comment about my ruffled table cover!

  14. Fiona was one of my first followers. I shall forever be her fan.

