
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Chickens, Cats & Raccoons

I'm six days into my chicken farming and it's been quite a wild ride! ~

See Gert's comb standing up!

The sad news is that Do didn't make it.  I put her in a nest the first night and found her with her head tucked under her wing in the morning.  She was gone.  I comfort myself with the thought that she got to be Do for one day, instead of #174.

Although Farm Girl has never had a problem with cats around her chickens, it was obvious from the start that my 24 lb. killing machine saw chicken on the dinner menu. ~

Okay, I'll only let him out when I can be out there to watch him.

On day two, the neighbour tells me he chased a raccoon out of the pen in the early morning.  I know Farm Girl had problems with a raccoon killing her chickens and I'm not having that with Gert and Maude!

I add a couple of solar lights to discourage night prowlers. ~

Does that keep that raccoon away?  Nope!  I was getting up through the night at the slightest sound to make sure my girls are okay.  I'm sleep deprived and I'm mad!

I'm attached to these girls already.  I've taught them how to use the ramp by pushing their little bums up the ramp and down the ramp, up the ramp and down the ramp.  I've picked them up and put them in the nests at night, until they learned to go in there themselves.  I put them on the perches and picked them up when they fell right back off.  I'm not losing them to some marauding raccoon!

So on day four I put up this! ~

Now, I have a giant dog run for a lawn ornament!  Maybe I can disguise it with some trailing vine.

Does this keep that raccoon out?  Nope.  At four a.m. I'm out there, in my jammies, chasing that devil away.  The girls are sleeping like babies because they have a twenty-four hour bodyguard.  I can't keep this up and have to devise a roof for the kennel and get it installed ASAP!

Here's the tally on costs for three eggs. ~

  Coop                                          $250.00
  Chicken wire fence                          16.00
  Solar lights                                        6.00
  Feed & oyster shell                         20.00
  Used dog run                                150.00

$442.00 divided by 3 = $147.33 per egg.  Move over Faberge, 'cause I'm catching up to you in value!

Thank heavens free run eggs are much healthier than factory farmed eggs.  They have 1/3 less cholesterol and 1/4 less saturated fat.  They have 2/3 more Vit. A, 2 X more omega 3 fatty acids, 3 X more Vit. E, 7 X more beta carotene, 70% more B12, 50% more folic acid, and 4 - 6 X more Vit. D.  Make sure your eggs say free range and not free run.  The chickens have to be outside, foraging, for the eggs to have the extra nutrients.

See what my girls gifted me with today! ~

Have a day of pleasant surprises!


  1. Oh they love you and left nice of them! Sorry about Do :(

    And who said chickens were dumb and couldn't learn anything...look how much they have learned in such a short time....good job!

    Grow some scarlet runner beans or something on your's fast and something pretty and you get fresh beans as a bonus and the chickens might like them too.

    1. I don't think chickens are dumb. They seem to be catching on to everything quite quickly.

  2. How ya gonna eat those eggs? Wish I could have some chickens!

    1. So far, I can't bear to crack one open! I just put them in a bowl and look at them. lol

  3. Beans are a great idea! I'll have to check out how many hours of sun it gets as there is a maple tree right there. The girls are learning so fast. Gert is blind and she can manage the ramp now. Well, she falls off occasionally. lol

  4. Thanks for checking out my faux mercury glass & zinc projects. I hope you'll give them a try, they're fun & easy to do :-)

    I just read about how you came to get Gert, Maude, and Do. I didn't realize the horrific conditions that egg-laying chickens live in :-( Sorry that Do didn't make it, but at least her last day was spent somewhere safe and peaceful. Gert & Maude are already looking much better :-) At the price their eggs are costing you, they better start laying some gold ones! ;-)


    1. I may need gold eggs by the time I have this all set up! But, don't I need a goose for that? I'v done mercury glass but never zinc and definitely will do it! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Maureen -- saw the math and laughed out loud!
    hang in there -- sounds like once you figure out the anti-raccoon angle, this will be an excellent hobby. and a tasty one, too.

    1. I suppose shooting the raccoon would not look very good in a post about rescuing animals. lol Maybe he'll get sick of me chasing around the yard all night and move on.

  6. Oh Maureen, I am peeing myself over here. I am sorry about Do, but wow, what a fabulous little life you're creating for the other gals. I was curious as to how you were going to teach them the ramp and pruning. Please take photos when you get to the pruning - I suspect that is going to be hilarious. ;)

    1. Maybe I could set up a spa day. I'll do my nails and they may be inspired to clean their feathers. The neighbours had a great time watching me push little bums up a ramp!

  7. Oh sorry Do did not make it! You're taking such good care of them. I love hearing about your chickens.....WAIT a 24# Cat!!!


    1. My other daughter, City Girl, brought me her apt. raised,huge cat when she married a guy who was allergic. My mom had AZ and kept letting him outside, where he developed a taste for rabbits and birds. I need good fences or different daughters!

  8. I Love your post Maureen! LOVE IT! Hmmm, for some reason, I'm craving an egg sandwich.

    1. Thanks. Egg salad is my favourite food! It's the only thing I could eat when I had morning sickness.

  9. Maureen- I am sorry you lost Do but at least she is not suffering anymore. Poor chickens-sad that they don't know how to BE chickens, isn't it? Bless you- you are a good Mother Hen! xo Diana

    1. Diana, how did I get into this? Help!!! It's really weird to be teaching chickens how to do things they should instinctively know.

  10. Holy Smokes! I have missed a few posts here! You have chickens!! I wanted them and my husband says I would just be feeding the coyotes and foxes! I'm wondering if they could get in that dog run? I'm jealous of your chickens!!

    1. The dog run is secure enough to keep cats out so I think it would work fine for coyotes and fox. My problem is at night since the little, pre-made coop isn't secure when they are locked in there. I'd recommend building, not buying a coop and designing it for secure night lock down. The chickens are easy to care for and I really like having them!

  11. I can't wait to get ours! But, wow, that damned raccoon! Sheesh! How about 2x4's across the top with a wee piece attached like an L on each end and hanging over the top, then your chicken wire on top. Doable? I'll explain in person if that didn't make sense! Hahahaha! Awesome posting Maureen!

    xo wendy

    1. That sounds easier that notching the 2X4's. Clever, crafty girl!

  12. I am completely torn be mad as all get out at that masked bandit and laughing myself silly.

    Not only are the eggs better it sounds as if you are getting a workout! :)

    1. I may have actually worn that raccoon down - haven't seen him in two nights! Maybe he decided I was a crazy lady! He just might be right.

  13. I'm sorry that Do didn't make it. I had to laugh at your math. It looks like they are very happy and well taken care of!

  14. So sorry to hear about Do, Maureen. At least she had feedom for a little while !
    Maybe you should just gild those eggs and keep them forever as a reminder of all your hard work and effort. You know it's worth it, your girls are thriving on your care and attention - and I also love reading about it !
    Btw - gifts sent yesterday. They should take about a week (I think).
    I hope you're enjoying your weekend and not spending all night running about the garden !

  15. this is wonderful dear Maureen! had a similar cost per egg in the beginning, now it is getting slightly better. Although the chicken food costs a LOT more then eggs, and i have by now about a hundred pigeons stuffing themselves while the chickens look on...
    so great that you rescued the hens! and that you are guarding them so faithfully :-)
    lots of love

    1. Thankfully, we don't have pigeons in the country! I'm up to six eggs now, so the unit cost is coming down a tad. lol

  16. I know what will cure the raccoon's visit's but it's not very nice. Did you know that a raccoon will dig under and can open gates too? They are a pain in the azz. And there was something I read about not using chicken wire but using something different, another metal covering, can't think of it. I have found the internet to be my friend regarding our chickens, that and a shotgun - cause I too needed sleep.


    1. The dog run works great for keeping cats and dogs or coyotes away. For now, it is discouraging the raccoon but that will change if he gets serious about getting in. I'm still working on the roof design and securing the inner coop at night. I'll pretend I don't see of someone decides to dispose of him!
