
Sunday, 3 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Breakfast Table

While some will watch tomorrow's festivities on TV and others have travelled to England to attend, I will be sitting in the colonies enjoying a quiet breakfast.  I will be surrounded with all the necessary trappings of English style and all of it will be thrift store finds!

Since you can't walk into a thrift store and go to the English Collectibles department, you have to be thinking well ahead about what occasions will be coming up.

Several months ago, I stumbled on this Royal Grafton, bone china mug.  It commemorates the SilverJubilee in 1977 and was priced at an unbelievable 25 cents! ~

A few weeks later I found two linen souvenir tea towels, that had never been used, for $1 each. 

One is from Yorkshire and has recipes from that region. ~

The other points out the attractions of Derbyshire. ~

I've laid them end to end to make a table runner. ~

I always use this bowl for the eggs from my very own chickens!  The border has a motif of roses, thistles and shamrocks, all symbols of the British Isles. ~

I'm happy to report that my cost per egg has dropped below the $100 mark!

Some vintage silverware, antique white ironstone from Britain, an Irish linen napkin and a picture of my British grandparents and I'm ready for the Diamond Jubilee big day! ~

My Union Flag pennants are flying. ~

Baby's Brooklyn adventure has come to an end and she is back home in Canada.  In preparation for this weekend, I taught her how to pour tea from the tiny, blue willow tea set.  This is her concentrating face! ~ 

I couldn't enjoy the Jubilee more if I were right there in London!

PS - Nana Diana tells me that the new fangled option of replying to your comments on the blog DO NOT go to your e-mail.  Dork here, thought they did.  I replied to every, single one! Honest, I did!  Let's just go back to the old way and pretend this never happened. lol 

This week I'm partying at:

Sundays Best Par.tay
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Blog Hop To Pear Up
Motivate Me Monday
Creative Things Thursday At The Vintage Farmhouse


  1. Hi Maureen, Your table is wonderful. I bet the Queen would approve!

  2. The weather looks better in the colonies than it does here. It started really chucking it down last night and it doesn't look good for the next couple of days. There is a street party nearby today - the bunting looks great - and a party on the beach tomorrow. Fingers crossed for the weather.
    I always come back to your comments to see your replies Maureen as they are often as funny as your blog - that's what followers are for.
    I'm sure the Queen would do the same, if she had a blog !!!

  3. Precious tea pouring photo..the jubilee has been fun for me to read about

  4. Well how fun is that?! Your table looks so elegant! Love the tea cup finds and the runner you made from the linen towels! Teaching that beautiful baby to pour tea...priceless!

  5. I think you only get replies if you subscribe to post comments, which no one wants to do or you get a crazy amount of e-mails. I always come back to see your replies too! I'll be over in ten minutes for the Diamond Jubilee Breakfast. Fab look for pennies! xo

    1. Fresh eggs are on the menu! Same for lunch, dinner, etc. The girls are doing a good job!

  6. Wonderful set up, Stella looks so cute, the little lady that she is,I am taping all the festivities, I started watching the specials last week. So what time is breakfast???? LOL. Very nice post, you always seem to luck out with the table cloths, first Paris and now England, what next. Have a wonderful day and I am glad you took the time to respond to everyone, I always come back to see the replies. Take care

  7. Enjoy your day!! Love the table and your thrift finds!! Thanks for sharing at SweetTalkin' Sunday!

  8. Beautiful table, especially the lovely bowl for those priceless eggs! Hope someday I have a little grand daughter to teach to pour tea out of a blue willow tea set.

  9. The 1977 Jubilee cup is a wonderful find indeed. Your table is equally wonderful. I had a Jubilee post planned but had to change locations for the weekend. I did find some Johnson Bros. plates for nearly nothing today. Have a lovely Sunday Maureen.

  10. hope you and the queen enjoy your celebrations!

  11. Very nice. I am a new linky follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting today. Don't feel foolish I thought they were sent my reply too ;) I'm learning...Have a wonderful week and be sure to link up to my party on Tuesday called The Gathering Spot.

  12. Hello Maureen! It looks like you're set for the Royal Party and in high style, too. Love it. I also love Brooklyn's tea party pouring!

    I think someone said you have to subscribe to comments but that is not the case-if you reply directly through YOUR email it goes directly to THEIR email. I always open my comments through my email account rather than coming to my blog to look at them. I think that is what most bloggers do. Several of them told me to do that when I was a newbie...and it has always worked for me. Blessings to you -xo Diana ps.I love that your eggs are now less than $1/each. lol Hey- Didja notice we have a brand new baby grandson as of last night?;>)

  13. Hi Maureen! You stopped by my blog and asked a question regarding planting herbs in the pallet or the sphere that I had featured in my latest post.
    In either case it would work great, but keep this point in mind as I've planted plenty of hanging herb baskets over the years.... I find that the most herbs grow upright, no matter how you lay them in the wire form...they'll turn and head straight up, making your vertical planting look horribly messy.
    Try to choose creeping thymes, corsican mint, low growing sages for the lower area's of the baskets and put the uprights around the top.
    While visiting your blog to reply...I breezed through your posts and found them to be very delightful to read...your a wonderful writer with simple, to the point, but light hearted stories. I enjoyed them so much I made sure to join your linky pals to be sure not to miss them.
    Take care:)

  14. I love the table and flags and everything! feeling royal =)

    --Your new follower from the Philippines--

  15. WOW! I absolutely love your table and finds. Mind if I come and join?

  16. Wonderful table setting with all your appropriate finds. You were really thinking ahead! I like that you're teaching your adorable grandbaby young. So cute!
    Mary Alice

  17. Oh you know I love this! That china mug~ I love it!

  18. very fun!! your table is just great!!!

  19. Thank you for stopping by my "Pear" Up blog hop. Hope to see you soon!

  20. How nice that you happened upon those thrifty finds. It's fun to have a little pice of history. I have scarves from both the 1953 Coronation and the 1977 Silver Jubilee. I also have a tiny silver frame with photo of Queen Victoria that was a souvenir from her 1897 Jubilee. I'm serving a Jubilee tea today. Please stop by to join me. ~ sarah

  21. How wonderful.

    And Baby is super precious.
