
Monday, 21 May 2012

Flags For Queen Victoria's Birthday

I thought I'd make a banner to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday.  It turns out, free handing the union flag is no simple feat!  ~

These pennants will be hanging outside, so I wanted them large enough to be seen from the street.  Each pennant is 20" long by 10"wide. ~

Although I wasn't going for accuracy, there was lots of measuring, pinning and fitting to get the look of the the Union Flag.  I had all the fabric on hand and used the twine from a bale of straw for the cord so the cost was zero.  Effort was another whole story!

I think I'll host a Diamond Jubilee party to get some more use from my banner.  The colours are so jaunty and vibrant that I saw them turn more than a few heads in passing cars! ~

Why on earth did I tell my grandson I would paint his dresser as this flag?  Geometry was never my thing.  I think I'll be asking his math whiz dad to tape the dresser off for me!

I'm sharing this with:
Inspire Me Monday
DIY Project Parade
Sweet Talkin' Sunday
Making Monday Marvelous
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday
What's It Wednesday
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Open House Thursday


  1. That was not an easy sewing project. Looks great.

    1. Yah, I thought I could bang this one off in no time. I was basically pulling my hair out at the end!

  2. Maureen, they are charming and so is the front of your house. I finally fixed the blog roll and you are on it. I can now keep up with you. However now GFC will not let me follow any one. If it is not one thing....

    1. Thanks for the compliment. Now I don't feel so bad about the front porch being in such dire need of an overhaul! I'm so glad you got your blog roll fixed and it's easier for you to stay in touch!

  3. Replies
    1. There is something about that colour combo that is eye catching! But then, you know that from your own flag. Have a great week!

  4. How fun! I love the look of your house....sooo cute!

    1. Thanks! One of these days I'm taking a saw to those scallops on the porch roof. I've hated them since I moved in here and never get around to doing anything about it!

  5. They turned out beautifully! I didn't go out today or I would have seen them and swooned of course! What a lovely tribute for Victoria Day! xo

    1. You'll have to come out tomorrow to see the amazing, old door I'm installing at the river deck!

  6. Those pennants turned out great and they look so nice with your pretty house. Good luck painting that dresser!

    1. Thanks, Karen! Don't hold your breath for me to get any particular project done. I'm kind of swamped here!

  7. Oh- That is just a great looking banner! LOVE it! xo Diana

    1. Thanks! I'll be sticking to easier flags in the future!

  8. Banner looks great, and I love your cute porch! We have an "entryway" but I would love a porch to sit a rocker on!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

    1. Best of all would be having time to actually SIT in the rocker! It's always so great to have you visit!

  9. I'd be doing a queenly wave as I drove past in my horse drawn carriage! Love the Union Jack flag - the pennants are perfect!

    Can't wait to see that dresser!

    1. I bet you do the most elegant 'queenly wave'! Hmmmm - the dresser may take a while.

  10. Hi Maureen, The banner is charming! I am sure the Queen would approve.

    1. Although the queen has not called yet, it's enough if Sherry approves the banner!

  11. Yep...I certainly turned my head as I drove by. Love it! xo

  12. Your house and garden is so adorable Maureen and the banner is gorgeous. I'll tell the Queen next time I see her - I'm sure she'd be impressed !
    Love the scalloped trim - can't imagine why you want to chop it off.
    Btw - showed the old geezer your house, he said he'll be over, so write a list of jobs !

    1. Thanks, Fiona. I'm writing up a very long list, right now! I do hope you are coming with him as I'd love to have a mural in my bedroom! Wink, wink. My regards to her majesty.

    2. I'd love to visit too - I'm sure we'd have a real laugh. Your comment had me chuckling away !

  13. Your house and porch are just darling not to mention the bunting. I just love the sound of "Queen Victoria Day."

    1. Thanks, Elaine. Have a great Memorial Day with your family!

  14. Your hard work paid off a lovely way to celebrate Queen Victoria Day. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop and for your bloggy friendship xo

  15. I'm a new GFC follower from a blog hop. I would love if you came on over and followed me back at

    1. Wow, you make it 100 followers on GFC! Thanks and welcome to this great group of people! I popped over to your site and I'm following you now.
