
Sunday, 22 April 2012

Stewards Of The Earth

I feel that I'm carrying coals to Newcastle when I talk about treading lightly on the land to my blogging friends.  You save the land fill sites from light fixtures, dressers, plastic planters and skids.  You make your own natural laundry detergent and grow your own carrots.  You can your own food and compost, knit and sew.  You have made excessive consumption totally uncool and your Pinterest boards have made reuse chic!

So, pat yourselves on the back today and know you will stay committed to rescuing chairs from the roadside and china from the thrift stores.  Feel good about raising children that can plant a radish, feed a chicken and even make a meal on a stove, instead of thinking all food comes from driving a fossil fuelled vehicle up to a tiny window.  

There is a native American philosophy that says to look at how your actions today will affect seven generations from now.  You are going a long way toward changing attitudes.  I thank you, the earth thanks you and your great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchild thanks you!

I made a happy little reminder of how we all want the earth to be by adding this vintage, child's toy lead cow and calf to my moss terrarium.  ~

I plucked some tiny branches from a tree in my yard to give her a shady place to watch over her baby. ~ 

Have a day filled with awe for this wonderful planet we call home!


  1. Maureen, That's a cute little scene in the cloche. The people that blog seem to be so crafty and sharing. I really enjoy blogging and visiting others' sites.Smiles to you,Susie(She Junks)

    1. Thanks, Susie! I'm having internet problems this weekend but will pop over to your space as soon as I can.

  2. I loved this post, Maureen. Thanks for the timely and uplifting insight to saving our planet. The cloche is such a nice touch and definitely is a powerful way to tell a simple truth.

    1. Thanks, Kim. I know we have a long way to go on this but prefer to celebrate how many of us are really trying!

  3. "look at how your actions today will affect seven generations from now." thank you for sharing this excellent wisdom.

    1. You are very welcome. Sometimes I wonder if we can turn things around and seven generations from now have a healthy world to live in. I have to believe in the butterfly effect.

  4. What a lovely way to get across the kudo of "repurpose, reuse"! You are so clever! xo wendy

  5. We have brought up our children with an understanding that "nothing's itself without everything else". I know they did not always know what that meant but more and more as they got older they questioned that quote and wondered about its impact and meaning.... children learn what they live and hopefully live what they learn... that is all I feel we can do.

    1. What a great idea to instil in your children! Understanding that they are part of a bigger picture must make them be more 'mindful' human beings.

  6. Oh I love cloches, and moss and my earth. Love this sweet post

    1. Funny how the simplest of things can make us so happy. Thanks for the kind comment!

  7. Maureen,
    Loved this post. I love the moss terrarium. A belated Happy Earth Day!

  8. I appreciate all those out there who are doing their part to cure our home. Thanks for putting this message out there for all those who reuse, recycle, compost, grow, can, and make their own. It's nice to see this mentality filtering down through the generations.

    1. You are so welcome! We all know we have to do a lot more, but it's nice to recognize the effort we are making.

  9. I just adore toy cows and you have a lead cow and calf. How wonderful is that! I enjoyed your post very much today. We tell people all the time at the antique mall "hey do you realize how you just recycled way to go" not to mention it is helping keep your money in your community.

    1. Thanks! That cow and calf belonged to my cousin in the 40's. I have my aunt's nativity and she used them as stable animals. They are pretty banged up but I love them anyway!

  10. That is just adorable. You did a a great "service to Earth Day" post here- xo Diana

  11. Great post, Maureen, and so true. Reuse and repurpose is not a new concept to me, it's a way of life. Your terrarium is adorable.

    1. Thanks! I happen to think your way of life is the better way for all of us.

  12. What a sweet post and great job on the cloche!

    1. Thanks, Tami. It was so simple to do and made me happy looking at it!
