
Monday 16 January 2012

I Have Found My "Word"!

Layla of the Lettered Cottage wrote a beautiful post about her journey to find a word that symbolised where she was going in 2012.  She asked what each of us would choose for our personal word for this new year.

I'm a fan of self-help and inspirational books so that should not be a problem for me.  I pondered over all the wonderful, positive statements and affirmations in my library.  I read all the great sayings that were on Pinterest.

They were perfect  They were true.  They were life enhancing.  They just didn't feel like me - in this spot, in this time, in this place.

And then it came to me.  This was my year to focus on PEACE.  I let that gel for a couple of days and gave the concept a good workout in my day to day life.

It felt right.  It felt, well....peaceful!

I knew I'd need a visual to keep me in the Peace zone every day of the year.  An 8 X 10 art canvas from the dollar store and some craft paint was at hand.  I washed the canvas in pale blue because that is a peaceful colour.  I swiped on some grey and white paint to simulate driftwood and drew a few black lines to create the seams of boards.  Some white paint, dry brushed on top, mellowed it all out.  It wasn't until I had finished prepping the canvas that I realized I had copied the weathered wood on the front page of the Lettered Cottage.  That's okay.  It will help me remember Layla and that she got me started on this!  

I chose an image of birds with a banner from The Graphics Fairy and sent it to Picnik.  I added the word PEACE and 2012 and printed it out.  I cut out the image and glued it to the painted canvas.  The whole process took about half an hour and I know it will be invaluable for fixing this word firmly in my mind.

I want to feel peace.  I want to project peace.  I want to be at peace with the past including all it's failures, hurts and disappointments.  I want to be at peace with the present including it's challenges, changes and fears.  I want to move peacefully into the future with grace and trust in all that is to come next.

My commitment to this process includes nurturing a peaceful attitude within myself and stopping whatever actions or words I use that are not making others feel peaceful.

You don't have to be a blogger to join Layla in finding your word.  To find out how to join the party and read what others have chosen, and why, click Here.

 The Lettered Cottage  
It is really worth popping over there to read the 295 words already chosen for 2012!   

Have a day filled with peace!

I'm also sharing this with ~


  1. I feel I need a visual reminder of what I need to focus on this year. You made yours quite creatively!


  2. This is beautiful! I love both your word and how you are reminding yourself of it.
    You also really got me thinking about my word :-). will go and check out Layla's post now.
    love, Jutta

  3. So inspiring, Maureen. I can certainly relate. xo Deborah

  4. PEACE is such a beautiful word. I love that you have a reminder of your word displayed so beautifully in your home. Wishing you much peace in 2012!

  5. I love that you made such a lovely reminder of your word and it is very fitting for you, I believe! Strive daily! xo

  6. you're are so crafty with your word. Now we'll all have to emulate you and think up something as our reminder. I'm working on one now to catch up! Really enjoyed looking around your blog and will be back soon.

  7. Oh, I don't think it will be toooo hard to match my reminder craft. hahaha

  8. I love the idea of the visual...perfect. It just helps to solidify the whole process. Great idea Maureen! Thanks for dropping by my blog to comment on my post regarding SOPA. I hope you were not offended. As you mention, for some of us this bill will have a greater effect than for others. For me it will be have a far-reaching impact.
