
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Ever Wonder Why?

Every once in awhile a little, inner voice tells me to do something.  I may have no reason at all for doing it or I may have entirely the wrong reason for doing it.  But it gets done nonetheless and I'm always glad of it.

On my last visit to Farm Girl and the grandkids I took a notion to have several of the kids pose with Sarah the horse.

Sarah doesn't belong to them.  Long before my daughter thought of turning her farm into a haven for animals in need, someone approached her to board a horse.  The horse was lame and, by rights, should be put down.  The owner dearly loved her horse but was entering university and she would not be able to care for Sarah every day.  Paying full board was out of the question as well.  She offered to help around the barn on holidays as part payment.  So Sarah stayed on for little more than the cost of her feed.

My daughter adopted four children that had never been near farm animals.  Sarah was gentle with them and, through her, they gained confidence around large animals.  That turned into confidence around people. Sarah, the horse that couldn't be healed, became a healer.

Days after I took these portraits, Sarah lost her battle and passed away.  I had no idea she was that ill, but some inner voice told me to have the kids pose with her.  They have special photos to cherish of a special horse.

Last weekend I kept my commitment to join in on our village yard sale.  The week before had been hectic and I was racing around at the last minute to find a few things to put on a small table.  I did not have time for this and I was far too tired to be doing it for the very few dollars I would earn.  That darned little voice inside told me to do it anyway.

I put some mismatched silver pieces in an old silver chest, thinking someone might find a missing piece to their pattern.  The silver was priced at 10 cents each.  I was a little anxious about selling silver at all since I accidentally sold my own set of silver for 10 cents apiece at my last yard sale.  Don't ask me how that happened.  If I knew, I wouldn't have done it!

A couple came up to me, speaking very broken English, with a fork in their hand.  Why that fork was in there, I never will know!  It was stainless steel and I never keep any of the stainless pieces that come with the silver I buy.

The man:  I not cheat you.  This is not silver.
Me:  I know it's not silver.
The man:  This is Russian.  See.  (shows me marking on back)
Me:  Well, that's interesting.
The woman:  We are Russian.
Me:  Would you like to have the fork?  You can just take it, no charge.
The man:  When I leave Russia, my mother give me this set.  When I get to Canada, fork is lost.  Now I have back.
The woman:  His mother die after we come here.

He reaches in his pocket for money and I wave him off.

Me:  Your mother is still looking out for you.  She found your fork!

The man looks up to heaven and says:  She is angel.

The woman starts to cry, the man starts to cry and I start to cry.

The woman:  You have give us gift and now we must give you gift.  It is tradition and it must be one dollar.

They left, fork clutched in hand, after smiles and hugs all around.

My neighbours wanted to know what the heck it had all been about and I told them the story.  They all got to cry, too.

So, now I know why I did that yard sale I didn't want to do.  It was to make a stranger in a strange land happy; to make him feel close to the mother he lost.

Listen to your inner voice.  Someone may need you.


  1. Wow Maureen that is so true, I have had countless 'inner voice' experiences and initially I didn't listen, but I do now. You just never know the how you will fit in the 'connection' until well after the fact. Nice post, as always.

  2. Well, and now I am crying, too, for both parts of your story. I do believe that God moves in mysterious ways. Tonight I reached out to someone I had not heard from in a while and she is going through a struggle that deeply affected my life and I was able to share that with her. God prompted me to make that connection tonight- I know it- xo Diana

  3. A double crying post. What a wonderful horse. What a wonderful story. One never knows what ones actions will yield in the future.

  4. I know you don't bring people to your blog to cry, but cry we do......the good kind of cry! Thank you for sharing two sweet stories!


  5. I'm not crying. But it's taking an effort. And I'm covered with goosebumps at these two stories.

    My husband loves horse. He grew up with them, and I know when I show him the story of Sarah, he'll break down. A grown man.

    Intuition. Sometimes it's difficult distinguishing it from stupid.

  6. Oh I'm so sorry about Sarah but how awesome the kids got their pictures with her. The fork made me cry, you just never know why things are done but sometimes it's just works out wonderful. Fancy having that very fork!

  7. How beautiful, Maureen. I'm sorry about Sarah the horse but what joy she brought to you and the children. And the dear Russian couple. How wonderful they found the missing fork to their set. Yes, we should listen to those inner nudges as we never know the blessings we will give or receive from them. Hugs, Pam

  8. What an amazing post Maureen - I think our inner voice is such a powerful tool - that we choose to ignore far too often!!!
    Thanks SO much for sharing these 2 stories - just loved them both
    Much love,
    My inner voice is telling me I have to eat now - I'm definitely going to ignore it LOL

  9. WOw, two beautiful stories. What a lovely horse. So beautiful with those children.
    I'm a firm believer in paying very close attention to what your inner voice tells you.

  10. Now I cry, over fork, over children with healing horse, over so much more. Oh Maureen You are something serious. love ya, olive

  11. Chillingly beautiful post Maureen! I love it and some seriously good karma is coming your way lady!!

  12. Yes, always listen to your inner voice. It has something special to say! (yeah, I cried too, but in a good way)

  13. My inner voice talks to me all the time too. Usually it is talking me into something I shouldn't do. It says eat the French fries.....

  14. Absolute truth. God speaks because He knows what's to happen & we don't. Give Him the glory!

  15. I have the most awesome stories about my inner voice...I just loved this post and I love to know others have that still place too!

  16. Whoa... those stories are insanely awesome. just wow... made my day


  17. Loved that you listened to your inner voice Maureen ... Not only did you make other people happy, but you received a blessing too. Thanks for sharing ... you have such an interesting life.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  18. Awwww!!! What a great experience!!


  19. As I was present for both of these occasions I would like to say a huge THANKS for making me cry all over again LOL. Glad to say one of our mantras is "Go With The Flow" - you just never know where you might end up!
    Love Lynn @

  20. Amazing, your inner voice is very special Maureen, I am not sure mine works so well !
    So sorry about Sarah, but at least she was much loved and the story about the fork, so very heart warming xx

  21. Me again - no reply blogger ( again ) Maureen - thought I'd let you know :)
