
Friday, 19 July 2013

Through The Eyes Of A Child

One of the greatest blessings in life is seeing the world through the eyes of a little one.  They remind us that the universe is full of mystery and magic!

I love the lyrics to Faith Hill's song Fireflies.

"I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
to capture Tinker Bell
They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
But I could always tell.'

The kittens I'm fostering are like a pair of two year olds.  When they are too quiet, you'd better get up and check on them!

So what held them in such a thrall?  Their first sight of fireflies! ~

When my friend brought her five year old niece and nephew for a visit, they wanted to see the new kittens. The twins were very good about learning how to hold a cat properly.  The kittens did not behave nearly so well!

I managed to get Clara Jane to stay still by strangling her. ~

I didn't really strangle her.  Sometimes I want to but I never do.  That would be bad fostering!  The kittens are accustomed to doing all the chasing around here and it was a whole new experience for them to have kids chasing them around. They were appalled and resorted to hiding under furniture.

The chickens weren't a whole lot more social and hid in the potato plants. ~

But, the twins were not daunted and crawled through the garden with handfuls of chicken feed to do their farm chores.  They were very good at telling me each and every time some poop came out of a chicken's butt.  If you've ever kept chickens, you know that happens on a very regular basis!

Little Michael was fascinated with where the egg would come out of the chicken.  As I was packaging up some eggs for his aunt, he said, "I helped and I want an egg that came out of a chicken's butt, too!"  I was running short of eggs, so I packaged up four eggs for his family to each have one.  He said, "That takes care of me for four days".

Night was falling and the kids began pointing and running around the yard.

What held them so enthralled?  Fireflies! ~

It was just a visit from a couple of cute little kids, but it reminded me of all the wonder in kittens, chickens and little, twinkling lights all over the yard.  I've since found an old mayonnaise jar with a metal lid and I'll poke holes on top, so the next kids can carry on the time honoured tradition of capturing Tinker Bell.

Victor Hugo said it so well in Les Miserables. ~

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future"

And, there is nothing like a pair of active twins to put your babies to sleep for the evening! ~

Let's all sing the chorus to Fireflies together ~

"I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
And anything  I can to get by
And fireflies"


  1. Now let me see, I have SO many favorite parts to this post Maureen!
    Those kittens are too cute- those twins are absolutely adorable ( my girls are twins - I'm partial to them lol ) counting to see how many time poop came out of a chickens butt LMHO ...........
    Ok - this is my favorite part - that you found a mayonaise jar for the next time kids come to visit - how magical - and what a fun place it must be to visit!!!
    I knew you were up - you just came by - birds of a feather and all that jazz.............

  2. Through the eyes of a name is Wendy.....and I get excited every year when the fireflies arrive! What does that say? I'm at one with's okay! Hahaha! The kids were adorable with their wide eyes looking at the kitties and pointing at fireflies. I must say something about the little boy walking past your new shed and saying "Nice shed" a little man, like he was the male authority on cute! It truly sounded gleeful over in your yard when you had that visit and I think you portrayed the childlike awe in a whimsical manner here. Thanks! xo

  3. So cute!!!
    We adopted a kitten last year and our house will never be the same. Our 2 older 14 year old cats all of a sudden became kittens again!!!
    Looks like the twins wore them out.

  4. Thank you for a wonderful evening, we all went home with tons of mosquito bites and Sophia says to me, we should have taken some of Maureen's mosquito cream, believe me it was well worth it. My first time with fire flies was magical, I recall it was in your backyard as well and I had NEVER seen fire flies before, that is why I thought the twins would be amazed and they were. Thanks again.

  5. This is such a sweet post! Love fireflies and yes through the eyes of a child!

  6. I love the photo of the kittens and the fireflies. The twins are adorable and I'm sure they learned a lot during their little visit to your home. Sweet photos, Maureen. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Aww those kittens are so cute. Kids are hilarious mine would be the same, but most of all I love the fireflies, we don't have them here I would love to see them lighting up the dark night. How magical!

  8. Oh soooooo cute! I don't know if I love the kids or the kitties the most....ya, the twins win!
    Thanks for visiting my blog
    We don't have fireflies here...sigh.

  9. Oh I love fireflies and missed them so much when we lived in Montana! I love that you have a photo of the kittens watching them! Having kids around always makes me look at things in life with a little less reality and a lot more dreaming! How fun!

  10. What a lovely story and I agree it is so precious seeing things through a child's eye. They are so innocent and curious. The kittens are too cute. Next time maybe they will catch some fire flies.


  11. I loved your story! I can remember seeing fireflys when I was younger.. =)

  12. I wish we had fireflies..too dry...what a sweet photo of those kitty cats

  13. What a sweet and beautiful story. Thanks for sharing it.

  14. Oh those are memories that you hold on to as a child. Lovely post.

  15. What a great song and you just made some wonderful memories there...even if you do strangle cats when no one is looking. The state is going to take away your aid if you continue on that path....because you know someone will report you!;>)

    I was just talking to someone the other day that we never see fireflies anymore -and seldom have I seen them here in Wisconsin. In PA we had tons of them and it was one of the joys of a summer night- chasing them down and putting them in the jar with the holes punched in top- xo Diana

  16. Your post was so cute. I loved the picture of the kittens looking out. Enjoy them and the children. xoxo,Susie

  17. Those kittens looking out the window are sooo adorable. Love fireflies! We see them here occasionally if we're sitting out late. Kittens and kids always remind me that life is supposed to be magical... just like fireflies.

  18. Very cute post, funny I was just thinking about fire flies, we don't have any here in Southwest Florida but I do have such nice memories such as yours catching them.

  19. Love the song! Love fireflies! Just starting to re-see everything around me. Life if so magical just like Never Never Land if only we can open ourselves to it. I know the kittens are into everything but I just love them.

  20. I've never seen a firefly ! I'd love to run round your garden with a jam jar !
    Those kids are sooo funny and as cute as the ever so cute kittens.
    Rosie the little cat from next door, actually came in my kitchen yesterday and still hissed at poor Rufie !

  21. Awwwwwwwwwww.... so cute these 2 are!
    And you have fireflies around your house? Lucky girl you are Maureen! They are British short haired?
