
Friday 30 March 2012

A Week Of Ups & Downs!

I was up when my old car passed the emissions test and I could renew the plates. I was down when I went to leave the testing centre and the car wouldn't start.  I was really down when they quoted me $1,200 to replace the fuel pump!  I called my mechanic and he quoted me $700 for the same job. I guess I'm happy about that.  I call the tow truck and get his wife.  I call back and he says, "My wife told me the Wyatt girl needs another tow.".  I know it's not a good thing to be towed enough to be known by name, but it's been many a year since I was called a girl and that seemed like a good thing.  So, the tale ends with my car being fixed in one day and the bill, including tow, is $375.  I'm happy, I think!

I won a judgement against my tenant for $6,000 in rent and utility arrears. Yay! She still refuses to move out and I have to get the Sheriff to forcibly evict her.  Not yay!

My answer to all these confusing emotions is to go thrift shopping and do some more spring decorating.  I scored at Value Village with an antique, white ironstone jelly mould for $4.99.  I picked up a marble cheese tray and glass dome for $6.99. ~

The cheese server started out common enough. ~

I intended to use the glass cloche on a trivet I bought at a pottery show. ~

The jelly mould made me think of trying an antique, white ironstone plate with a wheat motif around the edge. ~ 

I added some green eggs and two of  the blown eggs my daughters made many years ago.  It is very homey and relaxing, set on this embroidered tablecloth and linen Derbyshire tea towel.  Both were in mint condition and cost $1 each at the Salvation Army Thrift Store.

It doesn't cost a lot for me to be pleased!  If I count the cost of the plate, my total outlay is $15.  Yay, I'm happy again!

I came home to the happy news that Maryann of Domestically Speaking has featured my little $4 shelf on her Power Of Paint party!  It's an honour to be included with all the great paint projects she highlights!

If you click on the name of her blog, it will take you to her post today where she shows you how to make beautiful flowers from tissue paper!  To see the paint projects, click on the button below.

Here's to fewer lows and a lot more highs for the rest of the week!


  1. Ah..yes..the goods and bads of regular old life! I always like it when the UPs win over the DOWNs and I can usually make that happen mentally.

    Love your cute little cloche. I need to get my own out and done...I guess that is a down (not done) xo Diana

    1. It was sure a tough week to get my bearings! A little sunshine would be welcome right now.

  2. Sorry to hear about the issues you are currently facing. But i am a firm believer that thrift shopping cures most problems :)

    1. Thanks, Jileen! If thrift shopping doesn't work, I can always open a nice bottle of wine!

  3. Poor Maureen...up and down! Sounds like our life too! Sometimes I wish I was perfect...but variety is the spice of life! I love your cloche's sweet with the special eggs in it. xo wendy

    1. I think that is everyone's life, Wendy. Thanks for the compliment on the cloche.

  4. Yes, thrift shopping works wonders, doesn't it? Sorry about your car. Ugh. I hate car troubles.

    1. There sure is a buzz to finding something you know is way underpriced!

  5. Sorry about your car but looks like it cost a lot less than expected...yay for that....nice finds at the thrift store. I really have to hang out at a couple we have here more often. Hope the rest of your day went well. Cathy

    1. At least I'm not going from crisis to crisis today! I love the hunt at thrift stores. You never know what you will find!

  6. A little retail therapy always works for me too.
    At least the car didn't cost so much and you're finally getting things sorted out with that tenant Maureen.
    Your cloche looks adorable and congrats on the feature.
    Have a great weekend x

    1. Thanks! A little patience comes in handy sometimes. Have a great weekend!

  7. Glad you got your car troubles fixed, that is the one thing that can get under my skin the fastest. Sounds like you handled it like a champ. I tried being a landlord once and I found out real quick how hard that can be. Back ground checks and recommendations are not enough to see to it you get your rent. but good news on the shelf and being featured hooray for you.

    1. I should have asked all of you before I agreed to buy out my mom's property! It will be on the market really fast, now! Have a great weekend.

  8. Hi, it´s very nice to meet you! I have just found your blog and I like it very much!

    1. Oh my, Tatiana. I just went to your blog and the pictures are beautiful! Is that all your work?

  9. I used to have a wise, elderly neighbor, who would reply whenever I asked how she was, "Well, the good outweighs the bad!" And she always wore a smile. I like your approach to help tilt the scales toward the good -- thrifting.

    Wishing you luck getting your tenant out and collecting. Sometimes it pays to just ask a tenant what it will cost to move, and then giving them the cash, just to be done with them.

    Thanks for another pretty post.

    1. Crazy as that sounds to pay the tenant to leave, I probably would be up money in the end. Very good advice from your neighbour! Have a great weekend.

  10. yikes! glad you found a few happy places during the turmoil. On to next week.

    1. I admit it took a bit of searching to find the sunny spots but a bargain always does it for me!

  11. I have a similar marble cloche that I will transform. :) Thanks for the idea.

    1. It's only fair since I'm stealing your egg decorating idea!
