
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Storm Has Passed!

It's been a crazy few days around here!  There I was with the kitchen all torn apart to redecorate and primed cabinet doors drying all over the living room, when my brother in law decides to use the warm, sunny weather to convert my garden shed into a chicken coop.  The plan was to bring their three chickens over here to vacation with Gert and Maude for the winter.

We've been worried about keeping them warm enough in a cold Canadian winter in these flimsy coops we bought. ~

He and my sister knew I was busy with the kitchen and were doing most of the work themselves.  Of course, I had to help empty the shed and strew my stuff all over the yard.  ~

It was all taking a little longer than expected.  A window was installed, a leak in the wall was repaired and an area was fenced off for a bit of storage.  A girl has to have somewhere to keep her off season tires and chain saw! ~

By Sunday, we realized Sandy was really going to hit here and we were nowhere near ready to move the girls into their new coop.  A quick phone conference and we decide to brave the rain and cold and finish the job.  With only two breaks to wrap our frozen hands around mugs of hot coffee, we sawed and drilled to make perches and nesting boxes.  The raccoon repelling dog cage was dismantled and moved over to the shed.  The back wall was cut to make an entry from the cage to the shed door and the whole thing was bolted in place.

Then, we had a chicken rodeo to gather all the girls up.  Gert was easy because she basically just jumps up into my arms.  Maude got loose and made quite the run for it.  You'd have died laughing at three soaking wet and frozen idiots chasing that chicken around and around the yard.  I was not finding her all that amusing!  On to my sister's house and start the round up all over again!

Cool new digs! ~

Gert doesn't like the visitors and she's not coming off that nesting shelf that I put her on! ~

That box is the infamous microwave shelf that started the whole kitchen fiasco!

Evening is coming and I still had to get all the stuff we pulled out of the shed stowed away somewhere and the patio furniture secured.  

Oh, and all this stuff has to come off the porch! Yikes. ~

The very last thing to do was snip these last rose blooms so Sandy doesn't get them.  I'm not giving them up! ~

The storm arrived and the ladies were snug as a bug in their new home.  This village sits in a hollow and the wind wasn't too extreme but there was the strangest roaring sound overhead for the night.  I guess the wind was higher up.

The only fallout I have to deal with is this downed tree on my rental property. ~

Well, that and a very bad head cold!


  1. Oh I didn't realize the storm was affecting you guys too. I hope the clean up goes well and the cold goes far, far away! xo

  2. Oh my, that's a big tree! Such a horrible storm. Sorry for the cold, I've on the couch for 3 days sick, finally saw a doctor today and came home from the pharmacy with a bag of meds. I guess I should be getting better now. Be Safe! (hope you don't have to tackle removing that tree yourself)

  3. Good work with the coop! Wasn't the wind LOUD last night? We didn't lose any trees or power.

  4. we were supposed to get severe wind here in Va. and the forecast turned more Northerly more quickly so it looks like you got more than we did but glad you all are safe and sound including the chicks. Did your girls accept the new visitors well?

  5. OMGosh- What an adventure. I am so glad you got the coop finished and the crew rounded up. Ummm...watching you chase them would make me think of the term "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"-banish such a thought, of course.....
    I am glad you got away without too much damage from the storm but I know you must hate losing that tree.
    What a perfect nesting spot your old microwave shelf makes- xo Diana

  6. Glad you were safe. Nice digs for the chickees.

  7. Glad the chickens are warm and cozy Maureen.

  8. Well, glad you got the girls situated before Sandy came to town. Sorry about the tree. We lost a couple ourselves, but they're further into our forest so we don't have to do anything with them, thankfully. Good luck getting yours cleaned up.

  9. Bless your heart for making the girls snug as a bug! I am so glad you are all well


  10. So very glad you missed the worst of the storm. That was a close call getting the chickens all settled in safe and sound before the storm! We use to have chickens and your post brought back many fun memories of our "girls". Our old chichen coop is now my little hen house retreat for me! Have a wonderful week and don't work to hard!

  11. So happy to know that you all are safe. We saw about it on TV...
    Love your roses...

  12. so happy you are safe and sound. so sorry to read about your cold though. I think all of the chickens love their new digs. xo

  13. So glad the storm didn't hit you too bad Maureen. The pics on the news look pretty awful (the last time we had a devastating storm in the UK was 1987 !).
    The chucks are so lucky to have you looking after them, and their new coop looks great !

  14. Glad to hear the chickens are nice and comfy for the winter. The storm wasn't as bad as anticipated. Our office closed early because of the storm, some people will do anything for a holiday, haha. Glad to hear you weathered out the storm. As always you have a unique way of telling a story, love it.

  15. So you got hit by Sandy too! I'm glad you're all ok... and glad to hear the chickens have a cool new pad! They're kinda cute. Sometimes i want chickens. A really neat lady i know had some, and she LOVED them. She and her husband would sit out on their deck at night with a drink and watch the chickens do their thing in the back yard. They said it was like chicken TV.


  16. Love the new chicken digs! Kudos to you for reusing that old microwave shelf too! Sorry about the fallen tree at the rental...just one more thing to deal with..ughh! But...glad you were safe and sound. (I did laugh envisioning all of you chasing chickens!)
