
Thursday, 18 October 2012

Some Burning Birthday Questions!

As if turning 60 this year isn't bad enough, my daughter turned 40 yesterday!  Ekes!

While going through old photos to put some then and now shots on her Facebook birthday page, I developed some burning questions!  Maybe, you can help me out with these.

Is it EVER all right to let your toddler dress themselves? ~

What's it like to be forced to dress like Laura Ingalls for a prolonged period of time? ~

Is she old enough at 40 to be told that, the Prince Charming who proposed to her this day in Disneyworld, was paid $5 by her granddad to do it? ~

Should Mommy's dress ever be shorter than the preschooler's? ~

The biggest question of all is what kind of voodoo pact has Farm Girl made, to look so unchanged from 16 to 40?  Tell me there isn't some Dorian Grey thing going on here! ~

16 & 40

Does any of it matter if she grew up to give generously of time and money to charities, works to save abused animals and is loved and respected by all her friends and family?

Best of all, she's a great mom to these guys! ~

Uh huh, you're counting right.  There's six of them!

To my knowledge, she has never worn a shorter dress than her daughters or made them dress in period costume.  I'm sure she is doing something else that will make her cringe when she sees the pictures forty years later!

Thanks for forty wonderful years Farm Girl!


  1. What a great post! Happy birthday, Farm Girl. Sorry that you look a little bit like Little Edie (Grey Gardens) in the first shot...Mom's fault, no question. Prairie-wear, definitely au courant for the time. Blessings on all.

  2. Hey if you got it flaunt it! Nice pins Mumma.

    Your daughter is beautiful :)

  3. LOVE your post - and what a lucky girl Farm Girl is to have a rocking mom
    ( don't know about her dad - but definitely know her MOM rocks )
    I suppose she already knows that!
    P.S. your mini dress looks like a Laura Ingalls dress that was shortened dramatically lol
    P.S.S. she's beautiful Maureen

  4. "Happy Birthday, Farm girl". Love mom's tribute.

  5. Ha ha, these photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Yes, Farm Girl must have made a pact with the devil (why wouldn't she share the contact information?). :) Happy birthdays.

  6. What a great post with some awesome photos! Your girl is beautiful and apparently ageless now. (And look at you with your long, hot legs in a mini dress!!!) We all have pictures of our kids that make us cringe! She'll probably have a few too! Happy Birthday to your daughter...she comes from good stock!

  7. You made me laugh and are a beautiful neat fun sexy cool lady...and you bless me over and over!

  8. Wow,the picture of when she was 16 and 40 are amazing. Doesn't that girl age?? I think it's all the kids that are keeping her young. Nice post.

  9. Such a wonderful Post maureen. Loved every bit of it.
    And yes, its absolutely okay to let a toddler dress herself. I even kept my own name... Without the name I chose, I even stopped responding :D

  10. Hi Maureen,

    Lovely post. I love seeing family pics of blogger buddies' families, to see the resemblance, they they have grown, etc. I think your beautiful daughter looks a lot like her mamma! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend.


  11. She looks wonderful and sounds like a wonderful person as well! Don't you just love old photos? What a special gift we have been given with photography! (especially as our memory weakens with age) And I believe if your legs look like that, yes you can wear the shorter skirt!

  12. Well, she turned out to be such a great person because of you and as for the looks - well, it's all in the genes !

  13. Fun post! Happy birthday, she is adorable! I was counting...Yikkes 6 kids, she is Mother Theresa for sure. BTW, we all wore our dresses that short, we wanted to be Twiggy...Remember LOL!


  14. Your daughter is so beautiful and more beautiful inside for all the loving things that she does. Wishing your Farm Girl a very happy birthday. I know she is making you so proud.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures

  15. Too cute! Farm girl is a doll. Not even a tinge of a wrinkle. Have to tell you, we have alot in common. I will turn 60 in July and my oldest will be 39 on Christmas. Not 40, but close. Great photos and I really got a kick out of your comments. Wonderful daughter and family!

  16. What a great look back in time!! And she does NOT look 40.

  17. My darling friend what a beautiful tribute to your daughter, The photos are fabulous. Big hugs!!!

  18. What a darling post! Thanks for sharing such great family photos. Happy Birthday!

  19. She is lovely and how proud you must be when you consider the choices she is making in her life. Really lovely! Congratulations to both of you.

  20. All legitimate questions, but the real question is: How did you get to be such a good mom? She sure turned out to be an amazing person.

    Yikes - 60 for me this year, too.


  21. That is so amazing that she looks the same as she did at sixteen! Wow! What a lucky girl to be so beautiful inside as well as outside. Yah did good Maureen. Look what you made! xo wendy

  22. Holy Moly, she does look the same age. I want what she's having!

