
Wednesday, 29 August 2012

When A Blog Becomes A Book

The first time I ever heard the word Blog was when my daughter started one to chronicle the day to day happenings after she bought her farm.  It was funny and sad and had days of pure joy and days of despair. She stumbled and fell and got right back up to try again.  I read it, the family read it and friends read it.Then, strangers started reading it and it grew to have a nice, little daily following.

The farm was never a money making operation and morphed into a sanctuary for abused and abandoned farm animals.  Some had been taken away from their owners, some were purchased to take them away from pure cruelty and some were surrendered by owners who had fallen on hard times.  All were ill or injured.

We followed the stories of piglets named Rusty  ~

and puppies found in dumpsters. ~

We met lame horses ~

and kittens that weren't wanted because they played too much. ~

This is the farm that rescued my Gert and Maude and hundreds of other chickens.  This is the farm that set up the pilot project that allows social workers to bring at risk boys, from group homes, in to work with rehabilitating the chickens.  That project is so successful that the boys have named my daughter "Mrs. Awesome".

Animal lovers and people who support the child programme have donated cat cages, blankets, pet food and, believe it or not, hand knit sweaters for the featherless chickens in winter.  Some have donated their time and others have donated money.  But, housing and feeding the ever growing menagerie is a very costly venture and most of the expense is shouldered by my daughter and her husband. 

They had two children and adopted four more.  Caring for all the animals and raising six kids left little time for blogging and Farm Girl gave it up.

Two years later, with the requests for more stories still coming in, she decided to edit the posts into a book.  Her literary agent had great faith in the book but she has decided to publish it as an e-book on Kindle.  

The pygmy goat on the cover is Tallulah and she was the very first rescue.  We all loved her dearly and she leaves a legacy of hope and sanctuary for all the rescues that pass through these barn doors.

Click here to read an Excerpt from The Flawed Farm.

It's only 99 cents to buy the whole book and every dollar helps the work go on.  If you don't have a Kindle, you can download Kindle as a free app to your computer, right from the Amazon order site. I learn something new every day!

I believe in Farm Girl's work and I'm sure you'll love to meet all the characters at the Flawed Farm.  I didn't even ask her to edit out the parts where she talks about growing up in a show biz family!  She'd only have rambled on at me about artistic integrity anyway and I'd know she heard all that from me when she was a kid.    

ps - When you get to the show biz part, I was monogamous and DID NOT do drugs.  I can't claim the same for all the artists in the 70's and 80's.  I did like to say, as I left for work each day, "Time for more sex, drugs and Rock & Roll".  It was the title of a book and seemed funny at the time.  How could I know I was raising a writer?  


  1. I just clicked to buy it and then remembered I don't have a kindle ( I swear I'm getting blonder and blonder ) it sounds like a great read Maureen - she should be selling it as an ebook also ( to accomodate those of us that don't have a Kindle - all 6 of us probably )
    And as usual - it's a beautiful post!

    1. I had to borrow a Kindle to read it myself!

  2. This is incredible...God looks out for the givers!

  3. I'm halfway through Maureen! I think for me it's interesting because I know her and have been to her home, so it's entertaining to follow along on her learning experience with the farm and her anecdotes are charming. What I find rather humourous is she writes like you talk...I can hear your voice in her words sometimes! being a hippy a bad thing? Hahahaha! xo wendy

  4. No Kindle here....but I would love to make a donation. Can you email me the particulars? What a lovely post. You know we are animal lovers here. Funny how you start off to do one thing and then it turns into something else maybe that's what you were supposed to be doing anyway. did I miss all of this stuff about the music business?? Where have I been? Fess up girl.

  5. Yeah, I don't have a Kindle either, but if it ever comes out on paper I would love to buy it. My heart is so with your daughter and her accomplishments, we need so many more of her! Cathy

  6. LOL- It sounds like a great book. I will have to try and download it. I think it is going to be an awesome read. I wish I had a daughter does so I will have her buy it. I believe you- I was a child of the 60/70's and never got into sex/drugs/rock-n-roll either. There were a few of us, weren't there? xo Diana

  7. Maureen, how inspiring! You must be so proud :)

  8. this is a hugely inspiring!. once the ebook catches fire, I still think she should do it in paper. I'm a purist; what can I say?

  9. ps I need more direction on that amazon app (don't have a kindle but not readily seeing how to download. hep!)

    1. On the order page for Amazon, there is a button at the far right hand side at the bottom that says click here to download Kindle. It was quick and easy to download. I'm terrible at that stuff and I had no problem with it.

  10. Wow you must be so proud of Christie, she has done amazing work with the animals. Its about time something good happened. Take care

  11. First, girlfriend, spill the beans....Where you in a rock and roll band?? Second, what wonderful work. Now, how can I just donate..No Kindle , Amazon, just donate...I would love to!


  12. hi Maureen ... What a wonderful story. You must be so proud of your daughter. I would like to read her beautiful story. Beautiful grandgirl too.
    Blessings ... to your family.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures

  13. Hi Maureen - What a big, open, loving generous heart your daughter has- you must be one proud Mom. I have the book on Kindle :O) Thanks for sharing - beautiful post.

  14. That's pretty cool. Too bad I don't have a kindle. :(

  15. Wow, what a great story. I am going to download that on to my husband's kindle for me to have a read!! Sounds inspirational.

  16. success! looking forward to reading her book.

  17. Wow this book sounds fantastic :) Unfortunately no kindle for me either XD But great 'O' post :)

  18. I am a firm believer that when you do good, good comes back to you tenfold.

    A truly beautiful story!

  19. Dear Maureen,
    What a thought-provoking post. I like to watch the animal rescue shows and it always saddens me how we humans can be so cruel. Thank goodness for kind-hearted souls like your daughter. She's doing a great job. Sadly, no Kindle for me, but I wish her all the best. Thanks for sharing.

    Out Of The Shadows Of Knowledge

    You're welcome to join me for Blog Hop Saturday! held every first Saturday of the month. Linky closes at 11:59pm on Sun Sept 2nd.

  20. Oh God Bless you and your daughter. ~Ames

  21. I don't have a kindle but I'm sending this link to my daughter!

    This sounds like a lovely, touching book!

  22. Rats, no e-reader either. I am terribly old school and read books in my hand. I am thrilled for FARM GIRL none the less. Wonderful that she got published and is a fabulously talented writer. Olive

  23. I don't have a kindle but would dearly love to read this. I know from previous posts what incredible children you have Maureen and this is such a great, and inspiring story. You must be a very proud Mum !
