
Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Does Your Home Have A Name?

Three decades ago, when I moved to this house in the country, it was much smaller than it is today.  It was spider infested and swathed in shellacked plywood inside.  It was ugly and cramped, run down and overgrown.  But I had great hopes for it!

I recently asked a friend to put my chickens to bed while I was out of town.  Her husband came with her and as they passed the side door, he asked about the tiny sign painted near the top step of the old porch. She said it must mean something to me, and it does.

My very first day in this house, I named it Kellswater after an old Irish ballad. ~

I'd brought my Newfoundland puppy with me and her name was Kelly. ~

She was a special baby, born by C-section and never with her mother or litter mates.  The breeder bottle fed her until she realized the pup would never be show quality and was glad I would take it off her hands. Kelly never had any idea she was a dog!  She never knew I wasn't her mom!  Maybe I didn't know it either, because I carried that old dog when she could no longer walk.

The chorus to the song is ~

Here's a health to you, bonny Kellswater
For it's there you'll find the pleasures of life
And it's there you'll find a fishing and a farming
And a bonny wee girl for your wife.

And it was everything I hoped it would be!

We've had fishing in the lazy, old Grand River. ~

When Farm Girl was little, she tied a rake to Kelly and pretended to plough the yard.  Today, her daughter helps Grandma with my chicken farming. ~

My son-in-laws found it a perfect place to find a bonny wee wife. ~

I hope all of you have or find your Kellswater, for it's there you'll find the true things in life!  


  1. What a lovely post! and the most gorgeous pictures!! you have such a beautiful family, human and animal :-). also love the name of your house and the story behind it!

  2. Beautiful post Maureen!
    My place most certainly has a name - The Money Pit Lol


  3. Stop making me cry!

    I have always been fascinated with the idea of house names, but never felt I had the perfect name for any of my homes. No imagination, I guess.

    I have a friend who's vacation cabin she named "Journey's End," and I always liked that name.

    Enjoyed the photos of your family. Thanks for sharing.

  4. A name for your home is so special. I always see them on beach houses and grand estates (I have neither), but the idea is lovely. Maybe it's just 2805, but you've given me something to think about.

  5. Love this story! Your Kelly was really should get another! With the irony my hubby`s family displayed, ours is `Passing Wind`...shock. Just don`t think too hard about it. The wedding photos of the girls are beautiful! xo wendy

  6. I named our house, too, and actually have a post started about it. I love your name-it fits perfectly. I am sure you miss your sweet fur baby even though it has probably been a while. Love the family pictures. You have a beautiful family- xo Diana

  7. I love the idea of naming a house. The story behind yours is beautiful!

  8. We will name our next and last home "Dunmovin'"!

  9. You are such a fine story teller. No better name for a house than one that reflects a fur child. I mull over names for the yellow house all the time. Have not found one yet. xoxo, olive

  10. I love this post. Such beautiful meaning behind the name. I believe I'm still searching for my Kellswater.

  11. I always think it is SO charming when a house has a name. The story behind yours is precious.

  12. This is so timely as I am wanting to name a little piece of property I own. I loved how you told the story of Kellswater.

  13. I grew up in a house called 'Woodland Corner'. There were bluebell woods at the bottom of the garden and a great big wood across the road, that we used to play in all the time.
    I've yet to find a house I can name of my own, like your Kellswater.
    Lovely memories, lovely post Maureen x

  14. love that you named your home, maureen:) i've named my dress forms and sewing machine, maybe, i should think about my house's name...hope your kellswater holds many more years of happy for your family:)

  15. Just beautiful, Maureen!! And is that one of your chickens? She looks great.

  16. What a sweet post and I love the name!
