
Monday 14 October 2013

Some Days It's All Worthwhile

Almost two weeks ago my little, brown hen was spared from the chopping block and came to live with me. She had survived nearly being pecked to death in her old flock and she was afraid of everything.  She hid when my chickens were in the pen, ran away from me and slept alone in the quarantine coop.  I was beginning to wonder if I could ever get her integrated into my flock or would this Ann Boleyn lose her head as well.

When the others were free ranging Ann looked longingly through the fence at them. ~

I didn't know if she would run away or get into a scuffle with the other girls, but decided it was time to let her loose.  It took a bit of time and no little amount of persuasion to get her to venture out into the vegetable garden. Every sound sent her running back to the pen. ~

When I realised she'd gone under the rose bush with one of the other girls, I grabbed my camera to show you that I had finally got her to make contact. Ever so quietly, so as not to frighten her, I crept up to take a picture of Ann with Molly. ~

Three weeks in isolation at her old home and two weeks of isolation here and this is the first time I'd seen that chicken relax.

To my great surprise, she slowly and gingerly stretched her neck out toward Molly.  She started to coo and kept going until she touched beaks. ~

And then, her eyes began to droop, her head to sink to the warm earth and she slept. ~

The poor wee thing had been so lonely that she overcame her fears to be with the others.  Every bit of extra work and worry was worth it to me to see that moment.  I didn't know that a chicken needs to be able to touch another.  I didn't know they would coo out of happiness and relief.

Ann is a full fledged member of the flock now and proudly perches with her sisters when I close the coop up for the night.

Sometimes, it's the little things that I'm most grateful for. ~

I'm sharing this with Inspire Me Monday


  1. Oh Anne! That's so beautiful poor girl made it! I love the cart too the pumpkins look so pretty!

  2. A very happy ending to the perfect message for this Thanksgiving Day, 2013! Connecting, (via cooing!), and overcoming feelings of fear and despair to the freedom of sleeping next to a sister, securely!!

    You are now an official photo journalist, Maureen and ready for prime time!

    LOVED this post!! LOVE your gals!

    Happy Thanksgiving Day, my friend!

    PS: And, thanks for your visit and sweet comment on my guest post at Kim's!

  3. This made me tear up. I felt so sad for Ann in her loneliness and isolation. I'm so glad she has made friends now. Who knew a chicken could touch me so much?

  4. I'm so glad Ann is ok and doesn't have to be alone any more. Once again you've brought tears to my eyes Maureen with a beautifully written story with a happy ending.

  5. This is a most beautiful post. I loved your photos! You so captured the beauty of those 2 "friends" finding each other. And aren't we much the same way in life? We can isolate ourselves out of fear. If we only would be like Ann & wander over to our Molly & find comfort in the company. Thank you so much for sharing this. It truly was beautiful! I visited from Inspire Me Monday & am so glad that I did!
    Have a great Monday!

  6. I'm so happy we didn't have to pull an "Off with her head!" and that you rescued Ann for us. We must have a Henry in our! I'm ecstatic that your sweet caring brought her around. Now if you can just get her to lay eggs! xo

  7. Awww,..what a great Thanksgiving story. And how awesome that you actually got some pics. :)

  8. What a sweet story! I'm so glad Anne has connected with the flock!

  9. Aww, that is so sweet. I'm glad she is now relaxed and enjoying her feathered friends. I love the photo of the wagon loaded with produce. Happy Thanksgiving to you Maureen.

  10. Ohhh, I love this. So glad you were able to rehabilitate that sweet gal.

  11. That is the best Thanksgiving story I have heard in a long probably heard me say awww, very loudly all the way from there, didn't you, lol. So sweet and I am very glad that she has been accepted into the rest of your flock! Happy Thanksgiving! Cathy

  12. What a wonderful wee wagon! A happy belated Thanksgiving!

  13. Such a sweet story about a sweet girl. Nobody should have to be alone so I'm very glad Ann is now one of the girls. The picture of her looking through the fence at the girls in the yard broke my heart, but the picture of Ann and Molly resting together mended it! Thanks for such a nice post!!

  14. I didn't know they felt that way either, makes me think of those farms where they have hundreds of them just to lay sad but so happy for her and you!

  15. Is it okay if I am shedding a few tears for poor Ann? I have a big old lump in my throat reading about her reaching out and touching beaks with her new friend. I am happy that she may be finding some peace in her life and a small bit of happiness. xo Diana

  16. That is just so beautiful...
    Smiles, Dottie

  17. I'm happy she has friends too.

  18. Maureen ... such a sweet story and so well written. You should be proud that you were able to help Ann adjust and now be happy.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  19. That's just the best story--I'm so glad for Miss Ann that she is now part of the family. Just goes to show we all need a bit of love. Thanks for helping her along.

  20. A heart warming tale from a wonderful story teller. Thank you for sharing this Thanksgiving message of courage and perseverance. (Ann's and yours!)

  21. I think Bruce Springsteen said it almost as good as you..."don't make no difference what nobody says...ain't nobody like to be alone. Everybody's got a hungry heart." Including chickens. Yay for Ann and yay for you for having patience! Love the pumpkin wagon!

  22. Oh that made me tear up. How sweet is that. I can imagine your sense of relief. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing that Maureen.

  23. Oh, my friend. Such a sweet story and a lovely gift on this dreary Chicago day.

  24. Awwwwwwwwwwww! I love love this story. It's so touching...


  25. Oh my gosh Maureen... this post got me all teary eyed. Animals never cease to amaze me. What a great post.

  26. Why not? Everyone needs love, right? This just proves even more that every little creature has feelings. Loved this, Maureen. Hugs, Deb

  27. Awww!!!! What a sweet (no sour) chicken....story!!!! :)


  28. I just blog hopped to this story and wow, you took my breath away. It made me so happy to see Ann relaxed and at peace. People too often think animals, and especially chicken, have no feelings, no soul. This post puts them wrong. Thank you for what you did for her.

  29. I enjoyed this sweet story, Maureen. I love your vignette too!
