
Monday, 24 September 2012

You Get Out Of It What You Put Into It

I don't always agree with that statement.  So many times we put much more into something than we ever get back.  Who hasn't poured themselves into a personal relationship and found nothing coming in return?  Or, given generously of their time and talent to a job and been passed by at promotion time or terminated when the balance sheet wasn't in their favour.  Even churches will turn on a minister or parishioner that has given years of service.

But there is something about houses that seems to respond to our love and care.  Houses are like loyal pets. You care for the land and work on the home and it shows it's appreciation with shelter and beauty and joy.

I build a dock and the river rewards me with an endless view of peace and harmony. ~

Just beyond this log lives a beaver.  I like to swim alone at dusk and just float along on the peaceful current.  One night I realized something was in the water with me and tried not to freak out.  As he came closer, I realized it was the beaver.  He turned his head my way and glided past on his way to his fishing grounds.  It has become a nightly ritual for the two of us to nod in passing.  I sometimes feel he's as happy to see me as I am to see him.  The water is too cold for swimming now and I was never able, as hard as I tried, to get a picture to show you.  Maybe next summer I'll get a waterproof camera and you can meet my aquatic friend.

This home has plenty of land to house cats and dogs and even a couple of rescued chickens.  ~

If I will build the coop and nurse the chickens back to health, they'll reward me with these every day. ~

The gardens give an abundance of vegetables and fruit and enough beauty in flowers to soothe any soul. ~

I love to work on this place, inside and out, because it gives me so much in return!  As this pitcher says, "Earth laughs in flowers" and I'm happy when I gather that laughter and bring it inside to glory in.

This home needs some urgent care and I'm setting in to give it the attention it deserves.  I'll be donning paint clothes and picking up hammers. I'll certainly be hiring roofers!  Two hundred year old houses are guaranteed to spring endless surprises on you when you work on them.  I'll get tired and cranky.  But, I will never get discouraged because, when it comes to this home, I always,

   "Get out of it what I put into it"!

I'm sharing this with ~


  1. Wow - swimming with a beaver - talk about a true Canuck lol!!!
    Beautiful post, as always Maureen - love to read your thoughts..................poetry in motion

  2. You are full of interesting thoughts. I agree about the house giving back. I had never fell in love with a house like I have our yellow house. It almost scares me. I do not believe in holding onto things tightly as it hurts when they are lost. xo, olive

  3. There is no way a wild creature like that would swim along side you if were not the coolest person in the world. It's trust...very special...and a very special gift you have indeed...your perspective and deep kind soulfulness! Amazing!

  4. Maureen, your house is simply gorgeous. If I ever make it across the ocean, I would love to come and see it in the flesh. I agree with you on the not always getting what you put in, there are heaps of factors that determine an outcome. I tell my crew to try their best and no matter what the outcome they can be proud of themselves.

  5. This was an awesome post! As always, I love the pictures. I'm curious...does your river have a name? I never get attached to my houses, but everyone has been a sanctuary to me because of what I have put into it! Now...are you sure you have had enough time to rest up? Seems like not so long ago you had a hammer in your hand..for a long time!!

  6. I enjoyed this post. I love the story you wrote awhile back about rescuing those chickens. My gosh, that just touched my heart. As far as old homes, we live in one that is around 120 years now and I have put a lot into this home over the last 20 years but I am ready now to bid it farewell. I have lost interest in it and look forward to building a new one. Our plans to build this year have been halted by many, many issues we were not expecting. I'll do a post soon. But when that house is finally built I will put into it my all and hopefully get it back. Hugs, Deb

  7. What a great post!!! I love the beaver story! Here in Florida it would have been a gator! Yikkes! Your chicken coop is adorable and there is nothing better than fresh eggs!


  8. What a great post!! Love the story and your thoughts.


  9. oh, my...swimming with a beaver. if that isn't magic, I don't know what is. Earth laughs in flowers is delightful. great post.

  10. Oh my how i loved this post. And, you're so cool to hang out in the water, you and the beaver quietly noticing each other and going about your business... almost like a ritual, that's kinda of powerful stuff...


  11. Does that make you the beaver whisperer? Hmm,...that doesn't really sound right, does it, lol. Great post.

  12. Everything looks beautiful and I can't wait until you get a picture of your little friend the beaver!

  13. You have a beautiful home. I enjoy working around my home and get a lot of satisfaction 'keeping house'!

  14. Sounds you have the perfect spot in he world. I mean a quite place to swim with the beaver sounds wonderful. I grew up swimming in a river and I so miss that. Your right about the home giving back, I tell my husband all the time a home is never done it changes as we change.

  15. Hi Maureen,
    I just found your blog and think it is so interesting! I am your newest follower. I love the story of the beaver and you. How many people get a chance like that to meet a beaver on a regular basis! I feel the same way about my home and property giving it all the love we can! Have a great weekend!

  16. How wonderful, a beaver! We should all be so lucky! All of the pics are great.

  17. Well, you must be sending out some good energy to that beaver....beavers don't like just anybody you know.
