
Monday, 20 February 2012

I Want To Be In The Garden!

Right about this time of year, I get desperate to start planting things.  I miss dirt under my fingernails and checking every hour to see if any little sprouts have popped up in the garden.  I know I'm more than a month away from any of that, so I was looking around for something to plant indoors.  It was that or get a puppy.  Can we say cabin fever?

I saw this cool idea from Chickens In The Road about regrowing celery.  Click on the title of that blog for full instructions.  Basically, it boiled down to cutting the bottom off a bunch of celery and putting it in a dish with a couple of inches of water.  After a day or so, you plant it in a pot or the garden.  

I got busy after I did the water part and forgot to transplant it.  Then, the cat drank the water and I figured it was time to give it a decent burial in the composter.  When I looked closely, I saw this. ~

Another few days and I had this! ~

It's growing!  There are the cutest little celery stalks showing already.  Tomorrow I'll pot it up and we'll see what happens.

It's so wonderful to see that little bit of life popping up and it looks right at home beside the parsley and rosemary that have wintered indoors.  ~

How's that for getting mileage out of your grocery dollar?  Hmmm - what else can I do this with?  I read somewhere that you can do the same thing with the roots on green onions.  I think I'll give it a try!

Have a day full of happy surprises!

I'm sharing this with:

Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy



  1. Okay, well that is new to me! Fabulous!
    I totally relate to the need to get out there and dig. About this time I start contemplating all the possibilities for our garden. I am a big planner but need reminding when it is time to implement the "plan".

  2. That's great! You can do it with pineapple too I've heard. I grew an avocado tree once from the seed, 4 toothpicks and a jar of water. It turned out great.

    1. I remember doing that many, many years ago with an avocado pit! I can't remember if it worked and I was living in a basement apartment so probably didn't have enough light.

  3. Well well well! Look what we have here. A totally new idea and such an effective one! I am definitely going to try this Maureen.

    Celery is very good for arthritis too.

  4. I just trimmed my celery yesterday for making potato soup, so will try to get the end to grow. Maureen, you are so much fun.
    Audrey Z.

  5. Great idea!1 Imagine always having fresh celery when you need it!

  6. How cool is that! Will give it a try and then the chickens can eat some celery too. Might make it easier for them to listen to my problems :-). LOVED that in your comment and will definitely try it out!
    have a wonderful day

  7. This is the coolest thing I've seen lately. I had no idea celery would do that! I love your herbs, too!

  8. It is amazing the new things we learn everyday. So excited to try this with the celery. I too am anxious to get my fingers in he dirt. We have buds on the roses. Hope we have no late freeze.

  9. I never knew this, and I consider myself a serious gardener. I am sure there are other supermarket sources for plants. What a fun project for those spring fever days.

    1. Boston bib lettuce comes with the roots and I kept one going for the whole summer in a pot outside last year.

  10. Ok I have some in the fridge. Going to plant them tonight and we'll see what happens. I did not know you could do celery this way.
