
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Can This Mean Spring?

While the neighbours are away, I head to their house to check on it and feed their bunny.

What's this I spy with my little eye? ~

He has the taps in the sugar maple and the buckets are ready to go. ~

They never asked me to check the buckets but I'm a very conscientious house sitter and take a peek inside.  Plus, if it's a good yield this year, they'll give me some of the maple syrup.

Oh my gosh, the sap is running! The trees have decided it is spring. ~

I don't just take the tree's word for it.  I need a second opinion.

Ann Boleyn claims the delicate constitution of a royal and has refused to step foot outside the coop all winter. ~

Molly and Kay venture out unless it's snowing heavily or very windy, but Ann will not.  Kay has the frostbitten comb to show for her reckless wandering in the frigid temperatures.  I had to put Vaseline on their combs as a protective barrier and, let me tell you, chickens are not fond of having that procedure done to them!

Ann is outside so it must be spring! ~

We have weathered a difficult winter and the sunshine makes us dream of gardens and boat rides, campfires and barbecues.

Ann's dreams are a little more lofty, though.

She dreams of this new home she'd like me to build. It's much more in keeping with her station in life. ~

We can dream, Ann.  We can all dream.


  1. Crocus are out, a bit leggy in some areas but some purple and yellow in the front yard is very heartening. Love that royal bird castle.

  2. OMGosh- That last picture is awesome. What a dream THAT is! I love the sugaring season. We used to collect on the farm and cook it down to syrup (and sneak some to make maple sugar with) xo Diana

  3. Happy happy Spring I hope that sun keeps on shining and the snow is done until December. Anne's dream home is quite impressive.

  4. Ann's dream home is beautiful I didn't know chickens got frostbite on their combs:)

  5. Oh I sooo hope that Spring is on its way! They are announcing a snow storm here tomorrow but then again we usually get what we affectionately call the St. Patrick's Day storm. After that it is all sunshine and melting snow...yep, for sure, I keep telling myself and willing it to be true. :) Uh...have you got a fund going for Ann and her dream house?

  6. I don't envy the vaseline job, lol. Love Ann's dream house though - can't blame her a bit.

  7. I could live in that posh coop. Spring is popping out down here-I am planting caladium bulbs this afternoon. Hope you are well, olive

  8. Oh - lovely sunshine, it makes me feel sooo much better. I'm just like Ann!

  9. Oh wow! Love the chicken castle! and i was fascinated to see the buckets on the sugar maples! So THAT's how it's done, in the early spring. The sap looks a little clear, or are my eyes deceived?


  10. now that, my friend, is a chicken house. get cracking.

  11. Oh wow Maureen ... that is one fancy chicken pen. Don't let your chicks see that or they will run away from home. Glad your chickens survived the horrible winter with only frostbite on Kay's comb. So happy they are able to get out now. Welcome Spring.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  12. Ha ha, Ann Boleyn would love it there, and maybe you could hire a nurse too, to admit Vaseline !
    I am glad that Spring is finally arriving for you, and free Maple syrup, what a bonus !

  13. Oh my, but that chicken coop is really elegant and I can see why Anne is dreaming of it. LOL It's nice to know the sap is running. I'm hoping it is here too as it's Sugar Bush weekend at Kings Landing Historical Settlement this weekend and the following one. The big snow/rain/ice storm is coming tomorrow and Thursday so the chickens will be in the coop around here. Have a great week.

  14. We can all dream, even the chickens. Yeah Spring!!!!!

  15. Oh you are a great neighbor to check on those buckets! (You didn't forget to feed the bunny in all of your excitement did you?) Visiting a sugar shack is on my bucket list! I'm glad Ann has declared it spring...Phils got nothin on her!

  16. I hope Spring weather is right around the corner for you. It won't be long before you are planting flowers and enjoying the sunshine!

  17. the sap buckets...what fun...and that coop??? to die for!!! makes me want chickens! but I'll go with bees instead. Hang's almost here!

  18. Poor little guys....they want to be outside! Hope you see lots of signs of Spring after this Spring storm! Sending you some warm hugs, Diane

  19. I love your chickens! And that last chicken mansion...I think Suzan might wanna live there!!


  20. The sap buckets are so cool! I love your sweet looking chickens :-)

  21. The first time I saw sap buckets was on a trip to Forest Valley in grade three. How magical, I thought - sap that would morph into maple syrup, yummy!!

    Your gals look like they're ready to be dressed up and taken on the promenade for a proper spring stroll along the boardwalk, to be seen and admired. Spring is definitely in the air; hopefully we won't be far behind, sipping cappuccinos on umbrella covered patios, squinting from too much sudden sun! Santé!

