
Saturday 3 August 2013

The Chickens Found Me

Yup, the chickens found out where I live.  They want to be with me ALL THE TIME!  That's because I'm totally awesome to fowl.  I have yummy food.  I break up their fights.  I save them from scary things like planes and motorcycles.

I was gazing out the back door at my peaceful yard when I saw this. ~

Not the arrow.  I edited that in so you would notice the chickens perched on the top of the eight foot high fence.  A white arrow floating in the trees would have been worthy of a separate post, don't you think?

They're taunting Gertie and Lizzie, calling them sissies. "You're too fat to fly!" ~

That's the two new girls, Kay and Molly, that I brought home the same day I picked up the kittens.

"You didn't think this little fence would keep us in here, did you?". ~

Actually, Kay, I did think it would.  It's for your safety.

Okay, I can live with them digging up the potato plants. ~

They also dug up the new grass I planted to fill in an old fire pit.  They like to take dirt baths there.  Hmmm - what to do about this eyesore?

I'll pretend it is supposed to be there.  Paint up a little sign and designate this a chicken spa area. It sounds so much better in French! ~

I feel much better about it! ~

Now, what should I designate this area of the rose garden as? ~

My favourite part of all this chicken freedom is finding them following me down the sidewalk on the way to visit my neighbour.  Nothing looks as chic as a chicken entourage!


  1. That is hilarious, you should be the chicken whisperer, they even answer when you call, sorry for making you do it so many times but I couldn't help but laugh. Thanks for the nice laugh, oops post before bed.

  2. A chicken entourage would be a delight to see!


  3. So very funny. You are a chick magnet!

    What about the foxes and other enemies?

  4. Well that's the funniest thing Maureen LOL
    Spa Poulet is brilliant !!!
    Because there's nothing us chicks like better than to spend a day being pampered in a spa!!!
    I'm picturing them following you down the road - how hysterical.

  5. Thank you for this very happy and funny post this morning! I'm laughing at the 'french' chicken spa! Oh those girls are funny!


  6. Oh I would love to see you walking down the street with your entourage!! I would totally stop and talk to any woman with a chicken entourage! Love the sign...leave it to you to make something funny and classy out of a chicken dirt bath!

  7. LOL- So you are a chic chick with even more chic chickens? xo Diana

  8. Ha! Spa Poulet! I love it! Do they know we eat their young...??


  9. Oui oui, c'est une bonne spa poulet (apologies to anyone who actually speaks French !!).
    I would so love to see you walking down the street with your chicken entourage, how adorable !

  10. Never a dull moment around your house with chickens and kittens. Love that you newly acquired chickens are so friendly as to follow you around.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  11. A chicken spa, you know Jennifer Anniston will drop hers off :)

  12. Spa it. Like Suzan says...a chick spa!!

  13. Ha! You always make me laugh. and the chickens are pretty funny too... love the "spa poulet"... so french in every way!


  14. how wonderful! chicken really are the coolest pets. i was very surprised in the beginning when mine appeared in the kitchen at lunchtime, announcing loudly that they are hungry too..
    love your french chick spa :-).
    thanks so much for visiting my new site, so lovely to hear from old friends! there is something wrong with the comment function, it only allows comments if you open the blog post in a new window. a mystery (at least to me). big hug dear Maureen xxx

  15. Oh, that was so funny...How about Rose De Chic for the rose garden? You went to the dark side, Google +, I panicked because I did not see your blog link, then I saw it, but had to copy and paste. I have seen most people have their blog links under "Contributor to" But, I am not on Google plus yet...I will wait until I have to!

    I always enjoy your posts...Of course sometimes they are a little fowl lol!


  16. I didn't realize you'd named your chickens after your aunts! That's so sweet! Love the chicken spa...great idea! And, I must tell people about when I'm on the phone with you and no matter where you are, the chickens really do show up....front porch, back door...hahaha! Just the sound of your voice gets them happy! xo wendy

  17. Ah yes, flying chickens, the reason we spent a bazillion bucks roofing the "aviary" this year. Unfortunately our chickens seem to fly directly into the jaws of foxes when they escape! :0 Your crew are very cute!
