
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Animals Are Driving Me Crazy!

I think I have a bad case of cabin fever.  The snow keeps falling, the ice keeps building and the temperatures are so low it's misery to be outside! ~

Even with a heat lamp on in the coop, I have to make many trips to it each day, because their water keeps freezing.  The girls aren't doing anything wrong but this is the time of year when chicken keeping really isn't fun. ~

There isn't much left out there for wildlife to forage and rabbits are decimating my shrubs.  I wrapped tarps around them.  That didn't work, so I put fencing up.  The only tracks are rabbit but this one must be the size of the Easter Bunny!  The branches are sheared off 3' high! ~

And while I'm out there freezing my backside off, what is going on in the house? ~

It can't possibly have been The Barbarians.  They are sweetly sleeping in another room. ~

Don't try to pretend you were keeping the old cat warm, Michaela! ~

As determined as I am to shed a few pounds, it was in the animal kingdom's best interest that I resort to this. ~

I feel better and no animals were injured in the making of this post!


  1. Oh my goodness, Maureen. I understand where you are coming from. Everyone, including our pets are fed up with being cooped up. For the cats, no sun, heat at the windows, time on the deck, is making them crazy. Audrey walks around yelling for me to play with her. So I do. There isn't even a bird out there for her to 'hunt'. It is -25 here today, dark,dismal and windy. I fear for the wildlife as they are not getting any time to 'warm upl as the cold days build up. It is a hard winter, for sure. I am off the cat-sit for those smart people that left. Deb.

  2. You did the right thing. Maureen. I've heard that women cooped up all winter in places like Minnesota turn to either religion or alcohol. Mac n Cheese is good too. Or chocolate cake, not that I would know...

  3. Comfort food is our only hope for survival in this weather! Really. I am so tired of my indoors that I fear I might re-do everything and then regret it in the spring. Cleaning, cleaning and cleaning...driving me crazy. Our very furry golden doodle is the only happy being in this house. He sits out on the snowbank smiling at the world and refusing to come in. :)

  4. Oh for spring, sweet, sweet spring! I think that says it all.

  5. I think we are feeling that same cabin fever. This week was too windy coupled with -16+ temps so poor Lib didn't get out for a walk for 2 days. And the wet paws are making a mess. :( Ah well, there is always pasta, which was a fabulous choice.

  6. Brrr .... looks really cold there ... maybe I could send you some warm Texas sunshine to melt the ice. We will be 76° today but tomorrow will be a different story. Sorry that the animals have to suffer too with your kind of cold. Take care.
    Warm hugs,
    Audrey Z.

  7. Oh Maureen, I kind of have the same problem. I hate the cold and the snow. Nice to look at but not to shovel or drive in. I have cabin fever too. I was just saying that to my friend and we decided that next Saturday will be our day out, as long as Mother Nature cooperates with the weather. We need to go thrift store shopping to stay sane. My cats are getting into trouble too. I found my ivy and a small cactus in pieces on the floor. And they both just sat there and looked at me like "who me?" I had to walk away to laugh. HAHA! Hang in there, Spring is coming.

  8. (I think my first comment got et!) my sympathies to you for having to raise critters in such awful weather. electrical water feeders? is there such a thing?

  9. Looks like everyone is going a little stir crazy. Hang in there.

  10. Those chickens are so lucky to have you for a friend! (So are the cats!) Our weather is crazy here too...we were lucky enough to hit 60 yesterday and this's 18. Ugh! I might like it better if we had some snow to go with it.

  11. I think most of us are suffering from some sort of wacky weather this year. From bitter cold and snow to dry and hazardous. At least you have your furry, feathered and four legged friends to keep you company. This is where I sure do miss mine.

  12. I can't believe our birds have not froze to death. This weather is insane.

  13. Mac 'n cheese can work miracles, for sure, and although it isn't a cure for cabin fever, if you finish it off with a heavenly hot fudge sundae, topped with whipped cream and a cherry (for digestion!;-)), then you are a happy camper. If you can't beat 'em, join em; fight cold with cold!


  14. I'm soooo laughing at this post... omg, those cats! and giant bunnies... !
    The very first thing this morning i woke up to dog pee on the floor, even though there is a peepee pad,( the little one uses it) but every once in a while the older terrier pees 80 gallons of old dog pee on the linoleum and it smells awful! Then I went to go put on my makeup and came out and the two little angels had gotten into the garbage, so there were coffee grounds and potato peels all over the kitchen! Grrrrrrrrrrr... i am so NOT a morning person either. They keep it real don't they...


  15. Yep! I feel your pain. The animals are going nuts here with all this miserable weather. For the first time ever (9 years), one dog has started barking at his big brother inside the house. He keeps tattling on every move his brother makes. All day long it's like 'now what?'. Please...where is spring!?!

  16. Ha! Okay, this made me laugh (at your expense a little bit)! Come on Spring!!!!!


  17. Yes, I think you need some of that "comfort food" certainly deserve it!!!

  18. It's hard for us to comprehend that kind of cold over here, although we're due some cold spells, it'll be pretty mild by your standards.
    You definitely deserve some comfort food, though I think the barbarians are just trying to entertain you, so you don't go too stir crazy !

  19. Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine that kind of cold those poor chickens. Although over here we've been stuck inside a lot because of the heat and my garden is dead with the animals and birds eating what the heat didn't kill. Extreme weather is horrible, I hope it warms up for you guys soon.

  20. I don't know if this work for you but we used heated dog bowls for our chickens in winter (and heated buckets for the ducks.) THe dog bowls aren't too expensive.

    Winter will be over soon, right? RIGHT?! ;)
