
Monday, 26 December 2011

I'd Rather Be In Tuscany Today!

I really do want to visit Tuscany some day and that is, in no small way, influenced by my love of the book and movie, Under A Tuscan Sun.  That's not all that surprising with a theme of single woman, starting over and the metaphor of transforming an old house. Throw in beautiful scenery, old world culture and great food and I'm hooked!

Instead, I created this vignette with a pair of old, leaded glass windows and some frameless art. ~

When I'm in my back entry, I'm looking out on Tuscany!

When I'm in my kitchen, I'm looking at this. ~

On the twenty-third of December, my brother in law came to replace the dimmer switch in my dining room.  It was refusing to dim and I didn't want my guests to feel they were eating in a cafeteria.

He wanted to put my new light fixture up in the kitchen that day as well.  I declined because I knew there was a problem with the anaglyptic paper on the ceiling and it would all get done in the kitchen redo.  He insisted and I didn't want to look ungrateful for the offer.

Down came the light and we stood there in shock, staring at charred paper and bubbling paint. That light was on the verge of setting the ceiling on fire! ~

When he took a piece of the paper home to show my sister, she thought I was doing some kind of intricate paint design on the ceiling.  Nope, that's burn marks!

The good part is, the house didn't burn down.  The bad part is, there is no electrical box in the ceiling or anything standard to hook things up to.

I guess the first house project I'm undertaking is the kitchen.  I don't want to do the kitchen!  It will be too much work and I'm tired just thinking about it!

On the other hand, cooking an evening Christmas dinner without an overhead light was a leeetle bit difficult!

Soooo - Welcome to my kitchen reno on a non existent budget!!!   



  1. Here! Here! That sounds grand and I can't wait to help! And, the dinner was fabulous! xo

  2. No light didn't seem to make any difference to you cooking skills. Had a great Christmas dinner with friends and the best sister. Thanks,Lynn

  3. Sounds like you did just fine with your cooking skills!

    Praise the Lord your brother in law insisted on the light! Otherwise, dinner made on a Coleman Stove in the front yard could have been a tad more complicated!

    All else will follow - sounds like you already have some helpers!

    May your New Year be Happy and Bright, and in your kitchen ~ a brand new light!


  4. Hi Maureen,

    Wanted to send you an email, but from my blog, you have a "noreply" on your return email - would you email me with a way to contact you personally, please?

    Thank you! Oh, I love your Tuscany view! Beautiful!

  5. You broke me up Donna! I was taking a break from grumpily stripping wallpaper off the ceiling and saw your comment.
