
Monday, 15 June 2015

New Spot For Her Majesty's Jewels

I won't go on about the day after day after day of thunderstorms and rain we are experiencing here. Those of you battling drought conditions won't appreciate it I'm sure. Let's just say that it's better to work on some indoor craft projects than stand at the door looking at all the weeds that are thriving in our monsoon like conditions!

It was a perfect time to give a facelift to a jewellery box I picked up at a thrift store for $1.00. ~

The finish on the wooden case was in pretty bad shape, scratched and some kind of solvent had bubbled one section of the top. ~

It did have a nice, clean, velvet interior and lots of storage space. ~

And, who wouldn't want a jewellery box that greets you with a label that says, "Her Majesty" every time you open it?

Since the surface wasn't glossy, I didn't bother to sand or prime it.

I wanted an aged, ebonized look to the box and started daubing bits of latex paint on in a random pattern, where I knew I would want it to show wear and tear. ~

The brass plaque on top hasn't been toned down yet with bronze paint. I left that to the last. ~

The whole thing got a final coat of black, outdoor paint for durability. I lifted the paint brush slightly when I came to the grey and turquoise spots to allow bits of colour to peek through the black. ~

In the close up photo you can see some paint lines, but they don't show in real life.

This is a much better look with my chippy paint dresser. ~

My granddaughters were here on the weekend and they loved my new/old jewellery box.

Or maybe, they just like the idea of being called Her Majesty every time they lifted the lid!

I'm sharing this with:

  Tuesdays With A Twist
Wow Us Wednesdays

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