
Sunday, 9 February 2014

I Need Butter Accessories?

Of course I do.  I have a love affair going with butter.  I started making my own and the love just got stronger.  When you love something that much, you want to give it things to show it just how much you appreciate it.

In a consignment store, I spied a vintage butter press for $5.  I could not get that baby to the check out counter fast enough! ~

It has a nice leaf pattern on the plunger.  ~

You press the butter into the holder and force it out with the plunger, leaving the pattern on the butter. This was my first try and I need to work on it.  At least, I need to get to the point where I don't leave my fingerprints all over the butter. I'm thinking that might be a bit of a turn off to my guests.

The only drawback I find to making my own, organic butter is that it goes rancid much faster than commercial butter.  If I keep it in the fridge, it's too hard to spread.

Along comes my friend Wendy to the rescue!  She gave me a butter keeper that keeps the butter spreadable and fresh. It's an old technique from before the days of refrigeration. ~

You pack the butter into the lid side of the dish.  It holds about a quarter pound.  Put about an inch of water into the bowl side of the dish and invert the lid into the water. ~

The butter can sit out at room temperature and not go bad.  Every couple of days you change the water.

But, does it work?

It works!  The butter stays spreadable and fresh.  Brilliant! ~

Best of all, it appears to be cat proof!

I thank you, Wendy, and so does my lovely butter.  The cats, well, let's just say you'd better watch your back next time you visit here. The Barbarians are none too pleased with you!


  1. Good Morning Maureen, How kind of Wendy to give you a butter keeper to store your home made butter. I was so interested to read about the butter keeper as I had never heard of one. I will have to ask my mother about them, as she lived on a farm as a child in the 1930's, so it will be interesting to find out how my grandmother stored her butter.
    Best Wishes

  2. Very interesting. I have never seen a butter keeper. As far as the cats, I know our Audrey would be on the phone to the OSPCA as quick as a flick of her tail.

  3. Well, whaddaya know? Organic butter staying fresh and spreadable outside the fridge! Not that I know the first thing about making organic butter, but you never know when I might start! A girl can't have too many accessories, and beautiful buttery ones are no exception!

    PS: Gotta say: your own 'signature' brand of butter looks pretty good! ;-)

  4. I recently found a butter bell at the thrift shop and need to try it out. Glad to hear you like it!

  5. Well, I learned something today. Never heard of a butter keeper before now. I do like the leaf pattern on your press.

  6. I love your butter press. They are difficult to find in good shape. The butter keeper is a really great idea and I'm guessing it will get used a lot if you make your own. It would also work in the summer time when butter almost melts and goes rancid (in our un-airconditioned house) sitting out on the counter. I should look for one.

  7. The butter press was a great find. Glad you found a solution to your organic butter issue.

  8. I love your butter press. Try putting it in a cold fridge until it sets up and then run a very thin bladed knife around the edge of the butter before pushing it out. I can remember my mother doing something like that. I had used one of those butter keepers for years then someone dropped it and I never got another one. They are really great though. xo Diana

  9. I want a butter press! What a cool thing. I have had a butter bell for years and I love's glass, so I can see the water level and the butter level.

  10. oh how I am in love with butter too!

  11. I have one of these too! Unfortunately, I also have a husband who uses ALMOST the end of the butter and puts the butter bell away without getting the next stick out to soften. I'm always left with the cold end of the stick... :/

    I think I'm going to get another one so I have my very own. ;)


  12. Sure! Everyone needs to have lots of butter accessories in their kitchen! This post has lifted my spirits, just wanted you to know…


  13. I love the butter press not sure on the fingerprints but I'm sure you'll get practise :) the butter keeper is a great idea.

  14. Can you press the design into the butter, then place the whole thing into the fridge and wait to remove it from the press until it is cold and firm? Then wrap carefully until time to put out to soften before serving? Just a thought. Oh and another thought - homemade butter - yum!

  15. Having your own impressed butter is very impressive, and what a beautiful object to own. I love your butter bowl too, I've never seen one before.

  16. Yum, real butter. I think the butter press and butter bowls are wonderful!


  17. So cool! I did not know that! Also I love that you decided to go crazy and even buy and use a vintage butter press. XD
