
Thursday, 13 February 2014

A Love Collection

I'm nowhere near done redecorating my bedroom, but I wanted to get a shelf hung over the window before Valentine's Day.

It holds a collection of of objects that are unremarkable except for the pure love that came along with each one, when they were gifted to me.

On the right there is a bunny statue that lost an arm long ago.  It was the first gift my baby brother gave me and he was so proud of his present.  Beside it is an unglazed pottery vase that my eldest daughter made in grade two.  She missed the painting and glazing classes because she had chicken pox and I remember how bitterly she cried because her present wasn't finished.  I told her I didn't need a vase but I did need a holder for utensils in the kitchen and this was perfect for the job.  And so it was for 30 years, until she gave me a real utensil holder and it was retired.  The box on the left was a gift from my baby brother's daughter and she was just as proud as her dad had been, all those years before, to give it to me. I write wishes on scraps of paper and store them in her treasure chest to let the universe work on them.

When my daughter and grandsons lived 800 miles away, they drew Grandma in the sand and sent me the picture.  It sits on a box my daughter painted.  Inside the box is a geode that a scientifically minded little grandson painfully parted with to give me something extra special.  The Paddington statue is a craft done by my youngest daughter.  When her sister moved on to high school, she had to stay at home alone for an hour each day and was very nervous about it.  I bought her some craft supplies to keep her occupied for that hour and she made me the statue.

Every item recalls a story to me.

The sandcastle my youngest daughter gave me, commemorates the time when she was only three and the kids in the playground weren't playing with her.  I sat with her in the sandbox telling stories I made up until, one by one, the kids came over to listen to the tales.  All the kids pitched in and we built an enormous sandcastle for the fairies to live in.  The most pugnacious of the boys scoffed at the idea of fairies.  We lived in a townhouse complex where the bedrooms in all the units looked out over the playground.  I told the kids to look out their window that night and check to see if any fairies had moved in.  After dark, my husband sneaked to the castle and lit a candle inside.  All around the complex you could hear oohs and aahs.  The problem of the bullying kids was stopped.

These gaily decorated boxes are the first thing four of my grandchildren gave me when they adopted me as their grandmother.  Sure their adoption was already finalised, but that didn't mean they accepted me as their grandmother.  In their years as foster children, they'd had lots of 'grandparents'. It didn't mean anything permanent to them.  The day I knew I was accepted was, oddly enough, when I'd been babysitting them for weeks while their mother recovered from a severe seizure.  They acted up one morning and were going to miss the school bus.  Let's just say I was firm with them and hauled them down the laneway in time for the bus.  The new driver asked the kids who I was and a very disgruntled four year old granddaughter said, "Oh, that's our REAL grandma".

They've written love notes and put them in the box.  A sweet surprise was the two teenage grandsons adding their own notes.

If you are actually peering at those notes to read them, I can explain the part about letting them use a pickaxe.  Honestly, I can!

This shelf is full of memories and love to me.  Every wobbly or chipped bit of pottery, every lavishly adorned box and every dime store ornament outshines any jewel or precious metal I was ever given.

I'll need to save a little space on it for when I've earned a treasure from this little one that is on it's way to us.  Today it is official and Baby is going to be a big sister!

It may not be the ultimate in home decor high fashion, but this shelf puts a smile on my face every time I enter the bedroom.

This Valentine's Day, gather up all the love in your life and put it on display!


  1. Put a smile on my face too! Love to you maureen :)

  2. Oh congratulations a newbie grand baby how beautiful. I'm going to put a shelf somewhere empty and keep some treasures beautiful idea.

  3. I loved reading all the "love" stories attached to your mementos! You are a fabulous mother and grandmother, Maureen. Happy Valentines!

  4. How beautiful Maureen - I especially love that Grandma written in the sand - so simple and yet such a beautiful gift !
    I'm going to try to remember to do something like that when we're in Florida!

  5. You're a lady who knows true value.

  6. Fabulous - we should all display the most priceless treasures we could ever receive.

  7. I think these treasures from our lives are the best decorations in the world!

  8. A lifetime full of love and precious memories...all a grandma can really ask for!

  9. Oh yay. This might be the most beautiful post I've ever read.

  10. Maureen, this post, full of love and respect towards you from so many people whose lives you've touched so generously, is truly inspiring. How proud you must be, knowing that a kind word or a heartfelt action made such an everlasting impression on so many. Your love collection is the sweetest reminder of all those treasured moments, and they would bring a smile to anyone's face. Thanks for sharing their stories with us.

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  11. Congratulations Maureen, that's great news about a new addition to the family.
    Your shelf is a lovely reminder of some very special people and very special moments and testament to a very special mother and grandmother.

  12. Such a sweet thing to have all your memories out to be enjoyed.
    I enjoyed the sweet stories.
    Hope your weather is good.
    Audrey Z.

  13. A post of beautiful goodness!

    Have a lovely Valentine's Day!

  14. So much joy in one post. Especially love the wishes in the box so the universe can "work" on them. brilliant! congrats on new baby. a baby makes everything better.

  15. What a sweet way to keep and display such sentimental items! This makes me smile. And congrats on the new baby!

  16. Oh Maureen! What a wonderful shelf full of memories. You are one awesome mom and Grandma! I loved the sandcastle story and that treasure box of notes is just priceless! Happy Valentines Day my friend!

  17. It puts a smile on my face too!

  18. Your home decor should be personal and should make you smile! This shelf is great!

  19. This is the best Valentine post I have read today! Filled with love and special memories. Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Wonderful post! Happy Valentine's Day and congrats on the new baby!!


  21. What wonderful news about the baby! I'm so happy for you! And I agree....surrounding ourselves with our collected treasures makes us remember all the love we have in our lives! Happy Valentines weekend! Hugs! xox

  22. What, you broke my rabbit??? Just kidding! Love you and hope to see you at the Horseshoe in March!

  23. I loved this post Maureen. Congratulations!

  24. What wonderful little life stories. My favorite was about the sand castle...


  25. This is the sweetest post, and a wonderful idea. I can't wait to gather treasures from the hands of my precious grand son. Blessings on the new baby!

  26. I love this collection of precious mementos from your family, Maureen. Congratulations on the impending arrival of a new grand-daughter. We also are expecting a new grandchild in August but the sex hasn't been determined yet. With two boys already, a little girl will be nice. We'll see. :) A beautiful post.
