
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Kitchen Notions Box

 I've tweaked a corner of the kitchen. ~

It's the kind of day where you want to stay inside, putter around the kitchen and leave the riverbank to hardier species than I. ~

When my friend Wendy saw that I was using cobalt blue accents for the kitchen she gifted me with a little box with four blue china drawers.  It isn't vintage and had the white, chalky primer paint usual to far east wooden pieces.  I  gave the box a quick coat of the grey paint I used on the cabinets and left it at that until after Christmas.

Today, I used a Coats thread advertisement I found on The Graphics Fairy to give it a bit more interest.  I just printed out the label and glued it on to the top of the box. ~

I've been saving this image on my Pinterest Printables board and this is the perfect application for a sewing notions ad.  Coats is my grandmother's maiden name.

I printed off a notions label and glued that on the box as well.  The little drawers are perfect for holding all those odds and ends that wind up in the kitchen.  Elastic bands, rings, and twist ties are easy to find and hidden from sight. ~

I didn't have a single blue accessory in this house until I came upon this rather rare, early 1800's flow blue plate.  I absolutely had to have it!  The pattern is called Middleport and that's the name of the village where I live. ~

Sorry the picture isn't very clear, but I didn't take it for the blog and had no intention of showing it to you until I had the whole display put together perfectly.

That will never happen.  You see, with all the family here on Christmas Eve, I took the wire bread basket off the wall.  See the basket to the right of the plates? ~

Without lowering my arm, I popped my head around the corner to answer a question and ...CRASH!  Down came the plate, shattered into a dozen pieces.  I stared in disbelief that a plate wasn't safe hanging above the doorway.  Everyone was talking at once until I asked them to give me a moment to grieve.  A couple of minutes later I came back in the room, told them I was over it and we could carry on with dinner.

Nary a trace of that plate was in sight and it's never been mentioned since.

Now you all know that I'm an antique plate murderer and can't be trusted with things even if they're hung three feet above my head!

I'm sharing this with:  Graphics Fairy Brag MondayWow Us WednesdaysTransformed TuesdaysMake It Pretty MondayTweak It TuesdayKnick Of Time TuesdayBudget Decorating PartyBloom Link PartyAll Star Block PartyWildly Original Link Party, Creative Things,  Thursday Favorite Things Blog HopA Crafty SoireeFrugal FridayA Favorite ThingNifty Thrifty SundaySaturday Show & TellOpen House Party ThursdaysDIY Project ParadeMore The Merrier MondayCreative Bloggers Party & HopMonday Funday Link PartySilver Pennies Sunday


  1. Happy 2013, Maureen!

    Love your new blue accents! They're positively perfect with the crisp white. A refreshing change for a fresh, new year!


  2. sobbbb. of course, you considered a mosaic, right?

  3. LOL- I would still trust you with my plates! As long as they weren't attached to the back of my car or a rear muffler! lol I love your little cabinet...that graphic on top is the perfect fit! I love cobalt and used to have quite a collection of it- xo Diana

  4. Love the graphic - you have such an eye for what is going to work. So sorry about the plate.

  5. I'll cry with you. I would be saddened, too. It was such a beauty. Anyhoo, life goes on. I LOVE THE NOTION BOX. That is the sweetest thing. I started collecting jewellery boxes that were just wooden drawers in a wooden box so I really love this. One of my gifts to my god-daughter was something similar with a little treat inside each drawer when she turned 12. She loved it. I'll have to show you my wooden boxes sometime. Looks like you have lots of snow, too. We are now in for some milder weather and this stock-pile of canned food for the ferals can be used again. Deb

  6. love your little whaps of blue..wondering about that beaver!

  7. I'm taking a moment to grieve with you. I too have had a antique kill but life goes one so they say! I love your blue accents and another plate will come your way. Sending you a hug!


  8. Oh no, Maureen. I hate when that sort of thing happens. I'm sure that there is another plate with your name on it at the antiques market.

    Would love for you to share this at the All Star Block Party - the notions box with the label is great!!

  9. Awww! so sorry about the plate! :( I love the notions box with its little drawers, the graphic goes perfectly!

  10. The tiny cabinet is just too cute with its CHINA drawers! Speaking of china...sorry about your plate...I hate when I do something like that. I broke a Blue Willow platter and the pieces have been in the attic for years...I have plans to "fix" it. I think it makes me delay the greiving for it...I'm still in the "denial" stage. By the way, the darling print from the Graphics Factory is just PERFECT for that for the little cabinet.

  11. I love the graphic and how your tweaking turned out.


  12. Oop's.....It sure WAS pretty! I love the little blue box your friend gave you! Well, you grieved and moved on, the sign of a strong women!


  13. I've had that happen a couple of times is heartbreaking when something you love gets broken no matter how it happens. Maybe it was meant to leave space for another treasure!

  14. Turned out very cute, and I'm also admiring your scale.


  15. Sorry about your plate :( I love the box though, I saw this yesterday but I was on my phone, I went out looking for a little box today to do something similar, I love that it has your grandmothers maiden name.

  16. Ok, I now need to breath for a moment. Oh my, I know just how you feel. It happens to all of us.

  17. Oh no...that sounds like something I would do. So sad!

  18. What a shame to loose that plate! But I do love your little notion holder, and a great idea to put twist ties & elastics, etc in there...I can never find those when I need them.
    Saw you sharing with the All Star Block Party
    Debbie :)

  19. Sorry about your plate Maureen - but I just love that little box - and the paint job and the graphic are just beautiful!
    Piorra Maison has things for our kitchen, let me tell you!!!
    I think of you whenever I'm in there!
    Big hugs

  20. I love that box with it's little blue drawers! Sorry about the plate, but if you saved the pieces, I know what you can do with it.....

  21. Oh my, so sorry for your loss. But your box is gorgeous! and so is the river view, so beautiful!

  22. Still loving your blue and white you have going on in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing at the Cabin!

  23. Oh no! I'm so sorry you lost that plate! Isn't that the most aggravating thing? I love what you did with your box - it's really lovely and it fits perfectly in your kitchen.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  24. Oh Maureen, I'm sorry about your plate! Similar things have happened to me and it always makes me so sad to loose a treasure. I love your little box and really like the graphic you put on top. Thanks for sharing at Transformed Tuesday and I can't wait to see what you've been up to this week. Hugs, Peggy

  25. A mosaic was the first thing I thought when I read about the plate falling! Pick up those pieces and well they are still pretty right!

  26. Sounds like a perfect winter day puttering around the kitchen and completing a project!

    Thank you for partying with the Wildly Original Crowd.
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  27. I'm partial to blue and simply love this little box and plate. I love the ad you found from the graphics fairy for it. Lovely! Thanks for sharing at my Silver Pennies Sunday link party.

  28. Oh, I'm so sorry about your beautiful blue plate! I hope you find another one to replace it. The Coats printable adds some interest to the the little chest of blue drawers. So fun that it also ties in with your family.
