
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Birthdays And Barometers

So many emails have come in asking me where the heck I've been that I knew I had to get a post up today. I'm here guys and I'm fine (well sort of fine) and I meant to let you know several hours ago.  But .... I crashed my computer and I know absolutely nothing about fixing it.  I couldn't even get into Google, where someone knows how to fix everything.  I fixed it myself!!!  Just because I love you all so much, I've worked on this baby for 4 hrs. and it's 1 a.m. and I'm posting!

This is a perfect end to my last ten days.

Day 1  - Have to do more renos on the property I'm trying to sell and refuse to tell you about it because it's getting embarrassing that a professional stager cannot get her own rental property sold!  Climb 12' ladder to clean out gutters.  Manage to not fall off ladder.  Cross street to get tools from my house and fall in middle of highway.  Have no idea why I'm lying in middle of highway, in great pain.  Make it back to my house.  Feed chickens and go back to rental with tools.  Tell everyone I'm working with that I don't think I can keep at it because my knee is badly swollen.  Have sister insist on taking me to emergency and spend entire evening waiting to have knee X-rayed.  Knee is not broken but tendon is damaged.

Day 2,3,4,5 - Try to get through to my doctor's office by hitting speed dial all day.  Get sick from meds given at hospital.  Fall in love with an ice pack.  Refuse to tell you another ridiculous thing has happened to me!

Day 7,8 - Wish someone had run over me when I was in middle of road and ended my torture.

Day 9 - Wait four hours in doctor's office to find out I have torn tendon in knee and that is why I fell.  Get new drugs.  Feel kind of grateful tendon didn't tear when I was up on ladder!

Day 10 - Wonder how long I can stay on these steroids without yelling at people or becoming a pro cyclist.

Last Friday was my birthday and my daughter and grandkids drove down from the farm to give me an impromptu birthday lunch. The little kids decorated the cake themselves and proved there's no such thing as too many sprinkles in the icing! ~ 

My tablescape is an interesting mixture of silver, Royal Doulton china, plastic containers, vintage linen napkins, drinking boxes and wrinkled tablecloth.  I expect you will all want to copy the look. ~

Amish Girl found a brightly coloured stuffed toy upstairs and fell in love with it.  I explained that I couldn't give it to her because he was Mr. Happy and he takes in all the sadness and anger someone has and sends back happy feelings.  You all know how competent Amish Girl is.  She also has a lot of bad feelings from the time before she joined our family.  She is very accomplished at letting those feelings out in legendary rages.  In a teeny, tiny voice she said, "I have a lot of anger and sadness."  Her sisters nodded, vehemently, in agreement.  "Couldn't you just keep a picture of Mr. Happy and let me take him home?".

What a great idea and she thought it all up herself!  ~

Amish Girl and I need to remember the lesson I learned when I bought an antique barometer.  I thought it was broken, because it always registered CHANGE in the weather with a slight tip toward FAIR. ~

I had decided to get rid of it and then I realized it wasn't broken at all.  The weather did always change and, sooner or later, the weather would be fair!



  1. Oh poor you Maureen lol - don't mean to laugh but if you're going to make it humorous than you have to expect me to laugh out loud.
    But I do feel for you - because my knee is out right now too - and one shoulder - fun fun fun...........
    I think your birthday cake is beautiful - decorated with sprinkles and love - the best kind of cake in the world - Happy Happy belated Birthday to you my sweet friend ( who tends to wish she had been run over by a car lol )

  2. Oh darling Maureen, you have such a talent for making the painful lighter. Happy happy happy birthday, may it be the best year ever, filled with fair weather and the occasional change :-).
    i hope you are feeling better now. Well done for fixing the computer, it is always so nice to read a post from you!
    Your birthday cake, amish girl and mr happy are wonderful!
    Hugs dear friend

  3. The meds made you feel sick - I normally fall in love with the pain meds! Oh Amish girl, my heart breaks for her past and rejoices for her future poor baby girl.

    Happy birthday! Go you fixing your own computer, that is just awesome!

    It was my Mum's birthday today, she may just have copied your table scape, minus the royal doulton, too close to the kids for comfort!

    I hope that knee mends soon xoxoxo

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Being on steroids can make you feel like superwoman...I know. Hope you're doing better now.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  5. There you are! Glad you're back because you were missed! Sorry for the reason though. Amish girl is a wise one! And...I want a barometer like that with a constand trend toward fair!!

  6. Oh Maureen, You are so rich because you have the gift of seeing the sun through the clouds of life. Congrats for fixing your computer! Not many people would even try, let alone succeed! Also, thanks for taking the time to feed your many followers with some laughter and light, even though you may not be feeling like it yourself. Heal quickly and completely my friend and God bless.

  7. ha! fair weather just a head!

  8. Ah ha ha ha... no not laughing at your crashed computer or your torn tendon, but #10 is pretty funny.


  9. Okay, me too, pro-cyclist reference had me on the floor. I suspect that will be used a lot in the future. Poor you Maureen. Sounds terrible. The ladder part really gets me as I am completely frozen once I get up on a way now how do I venture up!!! Love the photo of the table scene, oh so pin-able. Glad you are back.

  10. Well happy belated birthday - sorry your last few weeks have been so adventurous.

  11. You are so funny Maureen - you make me laugh! I love your tablescape. I remember the story you told about being that kind of grandma - the best kind that goes with the flow - that you are and your grandkids are nurtured by you. Your cake is wonderful - love the sprinkles. Happy Birthday! Glad you are blogging again. I hate when my computer is having issues. You sure are loved to have people asking where you are!!

  12. Hi Maureen ... happy belated birthday. Yes, you have been missed. So sorry for all your troubles. I guess it is good that you not a cry-baby and "woo is me" type of lady. Hope your days just get better and better.
    Your birthday cake was lovely ... grand kids are so delightful.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures

  13. How you can make falling on the street funny, well...glad you are here to tell us and you did not get hit by a truck. Hope the knee heals quickly and you are enjoying some new medication. That cake is a it. I'll bet it tasted great. You table-scape like I normally do. Although you would have to add a cat to my list of table toppings. "Happy Belated Birthday".

  14. Did I ever tell you how much I love REAL? Your posts are so REAL! Happy birthday..hope your leg gets better and your week is a good one. Take care of yourself. Love the cake- you have sprinkles-we have glitter- I think I would trade you any day- xo Diana

  15. a post worth waiting for. birthdays and barometers, indeed. hope you are back to ladder scaling shape soon. take it easy. look both ways when crossing :)

  16. Rental properties - arrgh! - blame the knee on the rental property! One good thing, you didn't have to make your own birthday cake!!

    Take care of yourself. A torn tendon is not a fun thing to deal with. At least it's winter and you can snuggle up inside and watch Downton Abbey.

  17. Ohhhh, what a nightmare with your knee, i am glad it didn't give out when you were on the ladder too! I love the way you write, you're really very witty and funny. I don't know the story on Amish girl... guess i've missed too many posts. I took care of that real quick, i put you on my sidebar so i'm less likely to miss any more. You're one of my favorite bloggers in the world! Happy birthday, and hope you're off those steroids soon!

