
Thursday, 28 May 2015

I'm Not Seeing Eye To Eye With The Chickens

While I was seeing a garden ready for planting, Vivian was seeing a perfect spot for a dirt bath. ~

I'm seeing tilling as soil prep and Kay and Vivian see a human servant that is turning up worms and bugs for serving to them. ~

After the second time I planted the beans and saw the girls heading to dig in that area again, I decided this job would never get done if I didn't send the girls to bed early.

Vivian is so mad about being locked up way before bedtime that she won't look at me. ~

In fact, the only one that is happy to be in there is this little fellow that has taken up residence in the coop. He hardly ever bothers to come out, since pretty much everything he needs is at hand in there.

I was getting a bit worried about the weather holding things back so much in the garden this year and planted the old wheelbarrow earlier. On the nights when frost was threatened, I could easily cover it.

As part of my plan to reduce the amount of work I have to do in the yard I've moved the vegetable garden to a much smaller space that used to have herbs and strawberries in it. I almost felt guilty at how easy it was to plant the smaller area. I'm sure I'll get over that when I see how much this cuts back on weeding time.

Well, the chickens got a little extra beauty sleep and I have the garden all in except for a bit of space saved for tomato plants.

The girls can join me as I work in the garden from here on in. They really are good company out there and won't do much damage now the string is all in place.

As soon as I was done, the garden angels smiled down on me and sent a nice, gentle rain to speed all the seeds on their way. ~ 

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