
Saturday, 10 May 2014

The Chickens Are Embarrassing Me!

It's a very late start to the gardening season and I'm putting in long hours cleaning up the mess from winter. I'm focused and determined to get everything ship shape.

A friend gave me this adorable tin mug.  I love the sentiment and that it was made in Bath, England.  What could be better for a die hard Jane Austen fan!

As I'm sitting in the vegetable garden yanking out a troublesome creeping weed, my next door neighbour calls to me and asks if I mind if she takes a pic of the chicken sitting next to me, because it looks so cute.  

I didn't even realise Kay was there but it's not a big surprise.  She likes to be involved in things. ~

I can take a bit of chicken teasing.  Ha ha, silly chicken.

Later in the day, I'm in the front yard wearing the baggiest, dirtiest rags imaginable and concentrating on trimming rose bushes.  Another neighbour is out walking a dog and calls to me to stay right where I am while she takes a pic with her phone.  She says she just has to show people this.

I had no idea the girls had followed me to the front yard.  Now, I'm looking ridiculous and it's going viral! ~

How many people have driven by and howled at Ma Kettle and her chicken helpers?  I shudder at the thought!

But, the most embarrassing moment came today when a florist arrived with Mother's Day flowers.  I answered the door and standing right beside the delivery lady was Kay, proudly looking as if she was helping with a very important task.  I tell you folks, I just didn't know what to say and blathered something about her not paying any attention to my chicken.

The lady said something about it being fine and headed back to her van.  To my horror, Kay followed her! I had to put down the flowers, go after Kay and carry her back to the yard.  ~

All the while I'm telling Kay this is just not cool.  I don't care if she thinks she's found her calling as a delivery chicken, she's to stay in the back yard!

I should have taken her picture beside the flowers, though, because the arrangement came in a sealer jar and a it would have made a cute, country pic. ~

It's too late now.  Do not tell my daughter what Michaela, bad cat that she is, has done to those flowers already!


  1. Oh my goodness, Kay is adorable! I think she would make a good delivery chicken :) Beautiful flower arrangement Maureen, Happy mother's day!

  2. You are just too funny, Maureen! You always make my day with your chicken stories. I might have to start calling you the "Chicken Lady" which I'm sure some of your neighbors call you. I have pet names for some of my neighbors. They failed to introduce themselves when we first moved in so I started calling them special names as I saw them interact outside. Michaela's flowers were beautiful and I'm sure she didn't expect them to last given her mom's adorable household. It's the thought that counts! Happy Mother's Day, Maureen!

  3. OH that is hilarious Maureen. What a life you live ....totally envious.

  4. Love your chickens Maureen. They must love being with you or just follow you around to see if you are digging up bugs for them.
    Happy Mother's Day.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  5. Your chickens obviously love being near you when you're in the yard. I think it's quite cute. Have a wonderful week Maureen.

  6. what a cute story about your chickens LOL

  7. so funny! kay's so cute, maureen:) she wants a friend! and it was nice of the kitty to let you take a picture of the pretty flowers first!

  8. Be one with the chickens.


  9. I love the mug and really need one myself. You and your mischievous chickens could not be cuter.

  10. Other than those naughty chickens I hope you had a lovely mothers day xo

  11. Love that the little chicks are hanging on mom's shirttails! Just hope you don't start to crow. lol! I know that's a rooster, but one never knows. Too cute!

  12. Ha! ha! I love it! Just when you thought you had finally escaped be embarrassed by your children...the chickens take over the job!!

  13. LOL! The chickens love you! They know you're a good mom!

  14. Now they are the kind of chickens I want! A few eggs are nice, but I really love them as pets!

  15. I love your life! That Kay is one kooky chicken; never a boring moment hanging around with her!


  16. I'm just catching up Maureen. Such a cute post. Kay rocks!

  17. What an adorable so cute.
