
Saturday, 29 June 2013

Oh, Won't You Stay?

Aaaah, Just a little bit longer
Please, please, please
Tell me you're going to 

Now, how your daddy don't mind
And your mommy don't mind
If we have another dance
Yeah, just one more 
One more time.

July 1st they are taking away Google Friends Connect.  Noooo!  But they are, and if you haven't switched your blog reader over to Google+, I'll lose you.  I don't want to lose my friends!  

So, please, please, please stayyy any way that you like.

You can follow on Linky Followers by clicking on it on my side bar.  It's a no obligation,  no bugging you blog reader and I update all my posts on it.

You can subscribe to have posts in your email.

Or, add to any other reader you prefer.

I promise to write spectacular posts about these cute kittens.  Aren't you just dying to know what finally made them sit still for a moment? ~

And, you won't want to miss a single episode in the story of Gertie, the blind chicken! ~

Everyone loves horses and cute, little girls.  I'll write about those, too! ~

I'll bake pies, paint furniture, grow veggies and hardly ever rant about injustice in the world, if you'll only promise to stayyyy, just a little bit longer!  Please, please, please, please tell me you're going to!

If we have another dance

Yeah, just one more time ~

Thanks for hanging in there guys!


  1. I just subscribed to your blog via email!

  2. Maureen, I've got you over on Bloglovin'!! Hope you've been do good. I took the Spring off and focused on other things for a bit. But I'm back and need to get caught up.

  3. Maureen, I think it's Google Reader that is leaving not Google Friend Connect. Yet! I should still get your posts even though I don't use Google Reader and I'm not switching to Bloglovin'. I hope it all works out. I would miss you but I'll find you! Pamela

  4. I soooo remember that song. I hope I am signed up properly. I went on the Google/Blogger website and I could not find one item about the fact that it is disappearing. I have heard it through bloggers but can't find any info online. This blogging world is a strange one sometimes- xo Diana

  5. You can't get rid of me if you try. lol! Maureen, I'm hoping that the GFC is just a scare. I think only reader is going away. Remember we had this scare a while ago and everyone got linky? It didn't go and I'm hoping it's the same this time. I will still visit my friend. BTW, what did make those kitties hold so still?

  6. I'm an email follower. I'll be here. Now about that pie,...

  7. I use my own blog link list and have had you in it for ages. Whenever you add a new post you pop to the top of the list. I've also added you via Bloglovin" which seems to be a good place to follow favourites.

  8. Awesome! And I have you on my blog lovin :)

  9. Of course I'll be here to read your funny stories, wonderful and heartfelt stories (unless my laptop breaks, in which case I'll have a problem logging on !), but I too, just scroll down my bloglist looking for the pictures to change !

  10. Well, I guess I will go the Bloglovin' route and or email. I completely forgot about all this chaos coming our way!! Happy Canada Day tomorrow.

  11. I am so crazy about this song, your kitties and the way you express yourself...I be stayin

  12. ahhhhhh, the good old days of song! I danced many a sock hop back in those days. Guess we're getting old if we lived thru that time.

  13. Hi Maureen,

    Wouldn't DREAM of leaving...I intend on following Gertie everywhere her radar guides her!!

    Hope you had a fun Canada Day!

    PS: Thanks for your sweet comments on my last post!:))
